2011 CHS Graduate
Deven Hawkins
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Hey Ted, I just wanted to let you know that Deven Hawkins who is a SR. at Collinsville High School was accepted into the Honors program at R.S.U.! Being in the honors program means that he has a full ride for 4 years while he persues his major in Honors Medical Molecular Biology. The selection process is pretty tough, out of 42 candidates only 20 were chosen! We are so proud of his accomplishments, focus, and hard work! We are grateful for the positive influence and support that he has received from some of his teachers/coach's while attending C.H.S.! We are so excited for him and his future and can't wait to see where his education will take him! Congratulations son, you are beast!
Michelle Hawkins (3/30/2011)
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(email questions/comments to wrightted@aol.com).
By Ted Wright -- last update 4/28/2011
(Grad11Hawk-Devin.html) www.cvilleok.com

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Collinsville, OK