Collinsville, Oklahoma
May 2, 2017
Awards of Excellence
CHS 2017 Top Seniors
Recognized By Subject
2017 Awards of Excellence Winners (L-R): Chouchi Lo, Patrick Prodger, Lauren Falling, Wil Shupe, Noah Salazar, Deirdre Stock, Lyndee Branen, Sophie Sallee, Cheyenne Mosier, Tim Caputo, and Rachel Hadley.
Cindy Shannon was brought to tears by the surprise painting (by Elnora Herron, left) and presented by the Nifty Fifties group for Cindy's active support of the group and their activities for several years.
Ron Evans presented a slide show comparing the city and high school activities of the 1950s (when the Nifty Fifties members graduated) to today's Collinsville and CHS. Collinsville's 3-story Central High School was built in 1912 and torn down in 1971. It was located on the block where the middle school is now.

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Ted Wright -- last update 5/6/2017 (NiftyFiftiesAwardsofExcelence.html)

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