Collinsville, Oklahoma
May 1, 2012 (online May 6th)
Nifty Fifties Awards Of Excellence
Twelfth Annual Banquet
Academic Subject Award To 11 CHS Seniors

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Ted Wright -- last update 5/6/2012 (NiftyFiftiesAwards.html)

Copyright 2012 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
2012 Nifty Fifties Award Winners (L-R) -- Front Row: Natalie Kowena, Megan Doan, Paige Turner, and Porche Piland. Standing: Shelby Rasmussen, Isaac Dyer, Dillon Gillespie, Tyler Ames, and Mercades Jessie.
2012 Award Winner Subject Nifty Fifties Presentor
Dillon Gillespie Science Bill Thomas (CHS 1950)
Natalie Kowena Vocal Music Marcene Russell McCain (CHS 1960)
Mercades Jessie Foreign Language Carolyn Carlburg Fugate (CHS 1960)
Brent Williams Vo Ag Wanda Coulter (CHS 1958)
Tyler Ames English Evelyn Kilpatrick Fifer (CHS 1959)
Megan Doan Mathematics Shirley Payne Williams (CHS 1953)
Shelby Rasmussen Instrumental Music John Combs (CHS 1958)
Porche Piland Business / Computers Loyd Troglin (CHS 1952)
Paige Turner Yearbook / Journalism Darlene Bowman Dunn (CHS 1959)
Oliver Noesen Art Elnora DeArmond Herron (CHS 1954)
Isaac Dyer Social Studies Ron Evans (CHS 1955)
Brent Williams
Oliver Noesen
Natalie Kowena (above) performed a vocal solo and Shelby Rasmussen performed a flute solo as part of the awards banquet. The Nifty Fifties group will also award scholarships to a few of these students at the Senior's Awards Assembly May May 8th at CHS.