Collinsville, Oklahoma
February 2, 2019 (Online Feb. 8th)
Chamber Awards Banquet
Lance West Speaker
Shelley Nachtigall
New President

Jim Dolton Member of Year
The Collinsville Chamber of Commerce held it's annual awards banquet Saturday, February 2, 2019, at the First Baptist Church. Awards were presented for a successful 2018 and the new officers for 2019 were sworn in.
In-coming 2019 Chamber President Shelley Nachtigall outlined her plans for the coming year.
Superintendent Lance West gave the state of the Collinsville Public Schools and described great things continuing to happen there daily.
Jim Dalton (left) received the Chamber's "Member of the Year" award from out-going President Ron Evans. -- Collinsville Dolton Funeral Home
Breann Audet of Nutrition Nook received the Chamber's Gold Key award.
Cindy Reed of Cyn-Pro Graphics received the Chamber's Community Service award.
City Manager Pam Polk accepted the "Business of the Year" award on behalf of the City of Collinsville.
Ted Wright of and the Newspaper Museum In Collinsville received the "President's Award" from out-going Chamber President Ron Evans. Credits to Art Haddaway for the photo.
Chamber manager Megan Edwards presented a plaque and thank you's to Ron Evans for stepping in and filling out a year as Chamber President after Robert Miller moved out of state. To the left is Adam Jones who made additional presentations to each award winner on behalf of U.S. Representative Kevin Hearn.
Ron Evans (at the mic) sworn in the officers for 2019 (L-R) Traci Conley (Sec.-Tres), David Smith (V.P.), and SHelley Nachtigall (Pres.)
Members of Collinsville's FFA Chapter served the meal provided by Big John Catering.

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Ted Wright -- last update 2/8/2019

Copyright 2019 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
