Collinsville, Oklahoma
March 8, 2018 (Online March 23rd)
3rd Try - Center St. Asphalt
Contractor Stuck With Cost of Applying Asphalt 3 Times
March 8, 2018

To Pam Polk (City Manager),

I see they are removing the new Center Street asphalt (again) today. Could you provide any insight as to why and who is eating the cost? -- Ted Wright
March 8, 2018

To Ted Wright,

It didn't meet the required specs. The contractor is responsible for the additional costs. -- Pam Polk

New asphalt was first applied October 24, 2017, but the top layer wasn't added until December 15th (then removed Dec. 16th). A new top layer of asphalt was applied Dec. 21 (then removed March 8th). What is hopefully the final attempt for the top layer was re-applied March 9, 2018.
ATTENTION: Crews will be working on Center Street between 11th and 13th Streets on Thursday & Friday, March 8 & 9th. Please note there will be NO THROUGH TRAFFIC and plan to take another route.
Also closed will be 11th Street from Spring Street to the bridge on Thursday and Friday as well. We apologize for any inconvenience while we make these improvements. -- City of Collinsville 3/7/2018
Previous Coverage:
Editorial: I know it's not "apples-to-apples" but it is ironic that when Commissioner Francis was arguing unsuccessfully for brick pavement to be restored (which lasts for centuries when properly maintained) instead of the seemingly cheaper asphalt (which lasts just a few years) ... that the asphalt would have to be replaced twice already in just a few months. -- Ted Wright 3/23/2018

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Ted Wright -- last update 3/22/2018

Copyright 2018 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
