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Collinsville, Oklahoma
Dec. 1, 2006
Big Early Snow
Sunny Day After
Shows 10-12? Inches of Snow/Sleet From Previous Two Days
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call Ted Wright (918) 371-1901 or send email to
(email questions/comments to
Ted Wright -- last update 12/1/2006 (SnowDec01.html)

Copyright 2006 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
These kids walked by empty handed while I was shoveling snow in front of the Newspaper Museum Friday morning and soon returned with their newly purchased sleds as they headed for the nearest hillside.
I don't know the "official" Collinsville snowfall total as the wind drifted the combination sleet and snow into a variety of heights all over town. I'd estimate at least 10-12 inches overall. If anyone has a better measurement and/or a photo they'd like to share please email to
Ellis Holly was one of the many Collinsville residents trying to dig out Friday morning following the two-day storm which set a local record for November snowfall.
I just made a path to the street to walk to work this morning, but still have some work to go before I can get my car out of the garage with the door blocked by a big drift. -- Ted
The intersection of 13th and Center was already a slushy mess early Friday morning as the sun had started melting the snow with temperatures still below freezing.
The deep snow has been plowed off Main Street but the icy base remained Friday morning.
Frank Moreland was moving snow off Main Street Friday morning Dec. 1st, 2006.
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