More About Collinsville

General Information
Yahoo Maps for Collinsville / Vicinity
U.S. Highway 169: On east edge of Collinsville
(146th Street North Exit)
U.S. Highway 75: ~5 miles west of Collinsville
(146th Street North Exit)
State Highway 20: Through middle of Collinsville
Small Local Airports: Sand Ridge & Airman's Acres
2014 Update:
Airman's Acres Airport
Sand Ridge Airport
Ragtime Aerodrome Airport
Bluestem Airport
Collinsville Rural Fire District Airport
Nearest Large Airport: Tulsa International
Nearest Inland Navigation Water Port: Port of Catoosa
Nearby Rivers: Caney River, Verdigris, Bird Creek
Nearby Lakes: Oologah and Skiatook
Collinsville City Government
State Representative (Dist 11): Earl Sears
District 11 Map
State Senator (Dist 34): Rick Brinkley
Tulsa County Info (Precinct Locator for example)
INCOG Map Info
U.S. Representative (Dist 1): Jim Bridenstein (had been John Sullivan)
District 1 Map
Cherokee Tribal Council (District 8): Cara Cowan Watts & Lee Keener
(Had been Buel Anglen & Dr. Bradley Cobb)
U. S. Senator James Inhofe
U. S. Senator Tom Coburn
Events / News
Collinsville Library History

Cemeteries: Ridgelawn & Victory

Rootsweb Indexes: Ridgelawn & Victory


2010 Population = 5,606
2000 Population = 4077
(July 2005: 4909 registered voters)

In Tulsa County Since 1918
(Rogers Co. 1907-1918)
State: Oklahoma
Country: USA
In Indian Territory (Before Nov. 1907 Oklahoma Statehood)
Inside Cherokee Nation Now
Elevation: ~675 feet (at SandRidge Airport)

Town Founded in ~1897 (In Indian Territory) ... although many Indian and White settlers lived in the vicinity for many years before then

City Incorporated in 1899

First issue of "The Collinsville News" published May 11, 1899 by W. L. Wright
Original townsite was 1 to 1&1/2 miles east of current townsite (moved ~1900 to current location adjacent to railroad tracks)

Collinsville Smelter

Collinsville Hospital
In the midst of the Cherokee portion of Indian Territory (about ten years before Oklahoma statehood) a small community formed. The site was about a mile east of present day Collinsville. That community was named after Dr. A.H. Collins who was persuaded to move his post office there in 1898. In 1899 the town was incorporated (meaning they had a population of at least 200). The railroad was completed that same year and followed the present day route rather than building extra bridges to cross creeks to the original town site. The early Collinsville settlers then moved their town (including the wooden buildings and houses) to be adjacent to the new tracks.

Collinsville has seen several cycles of prosperity and lean times since that move. With cattle, coal and farming being dominant in the beginning, the community exploded after 1911 when two huge zinc smelters arrived. Those smelters brought thousands of workers and associated business to town. The population reached a peak of at least 8,000 at one point before the smelter business wained in the early 1920s. During those busy times, many of the brick buildings were built that still give Collinsville its unique downtown character today. Collinsville's own brick plant provided the bricks for those buildings as well as paving of many of the town's streets.

Without the large smelter business, the city relied on oil, gas, farming, and local merchants to carry it forward to today. Five years of volunteer labor built Collinsville's public swimminmg pool in the 1950s. Donations from Collinsville residents and surrounding communities brought a regional hospital to Collinsville in the 1960s. That hospital was built before the modern Highways (169 & 75) made travel to Tulsa Hospitals a convenient trip. Collinsville lost that hospital in 1986 as health care economics changed.

Today Collinsville has one of Oklahoma's fastest growing school districts with new residents expanding the population beyond the 4000 mark daily. The downtown district is being restored and revitilaized and the future looks bright for present Collinsville residents and new comers looking for a friendly place to live.

by Ted W. Wright -- July 2004
(Newspaper Museum In Collinsville and

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Ted Wright -- last update 10/4/2007 (& 2/19/2011) (9/22/2014) (tedabout.html)
Copyright 2003 & 2004 & 2005 & 2006 & 2007 & 2011 & 2014 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma