1110 W. Main St -- Block 49, Lot 19 ...-- Built in 1911 or 1912 ... 3rd home of "The Collinsville News" (~1911-1987) ...
"Newspaper Museum In Collinsville" since 1999 -- Ted Wright 919-798-1804
dark brick and stained glass windows added in 1925 ... Harry Hamilton was architect ... rear addition in mid 50's
Block 49 / Lot 19 Abstract info:
1838 (from) United States of America (President Martin Van Buren)
Cherokee Nation of Indians (referencing treaties of 1825, 1830, and 1835)

1902 Townsite Act approved by Cherokee Nation of Indians

1908? (from) Cherokee Nation (Assume the 1908 date is post-statehood paper work for earlier transaction ... and not sure how this matches the City on Thad Morris allotment?)--Ted
Thomas W. Howell ($614 for lots 18-19-20 in block 49) (Ted Note: T.W. Howell died 1932??)

1906 (from) Thomas W. Howell and Ollie B. Howell (his wife)
Mark K. Farmer ($500 for lot 19 in block 49) (Ted Note: Oct 6, 1904 News - Farmer new to town)

Mar 15, 1911 (from) Mark K. Farmer and Nora E. Farmer (his wife)
Chauncey D. Evans ($1000 for lot 19 in block 49)

Chauncy Duane Evans -- Coal & Cattleman ... Rogers County Commissioner

Feb 20, 1912 (from) Chauncey D. Evans and Mary J. Evans (his wife)
W. L. Wright ($1500 for lot 19 in block 49)

William Lincoln (W. L.) Wright -- Original Editor of "The Collinsville News"
... moved News here from block 48 / lot 15 ... there from ~1900 to ~1911
...wife Minnie Ruth Wright
... they lived in one of Collinsville's earliest houses : 1302 Spring ... moved from original townsite ~1900

Sept 3, 1918 (from) Rogers County (all of Collinsville) ( to) Tulsa County

1923 (from) Probate following death of W.L. Wright in July 1923
1/3rd (to)
Minnie R. Wright (wife of W.L.)
2/9ths (to)
Claude H. Wright (son of W.L.& editor of the News at that time)
2/9ths (to)
Francis A. Wright (son of W.L. & former editor & Collinsville city clerk)
2/9ths (to)
Martha Vivian Wright (daughter of W.L.)

Claude Henderson (C. H.) Wright ... Editor

John Phillip (J. P.) Wright ... Editor
...wife Betty K. Wright (owners 1950s -- 2004

Ted W. Wright (owner Jan. 2005) Newspaper Museum

another good pre-1925 front photo is in the Bayouth's ad (1916 photo of the Leader) -- News May 12, 1960
believe Leader was next door to News from July 1916 until mid Sept 1918 ... when Sol Bayouth moved his Leader Store to Blk 59 (first door east of First Nat. Bank)



Before 1925
