

1022 W. Main
Lot 13-14

Block 48

file: B48NavSouth.htm -- Jan 27, 2002 -- Ted Wright 6//2002 mods

Collinsville, OK

Silver Dollar Gift Shop
1018 W. Main
Lot 15
1016 Main
Lot 16
1014 W. Main
Lot 17
101? W. Main
Lot 17-18
1012 W. Main
Lot 18-19
1010 W. Main
Lot 19
H&R Block
1008 W. Main
Lot 20
10th Street
1006 W. Main
Lot 21
South Half
1004 W. Main
Lot 22
1002 W. Main
Lot 23-24

Jan 14, 1909 The Collinsville News:

Cashier, N. O. Colburn, informs us that a modern two-story bank building will be built on the present bank corner and that iron is ordered for four new buildings to go up east of the the New York store. ...


2002 Ted Note: assume this is the 4-like-buildings on Lots 17-18-19 of block 48... as the New York store shows up on lot 16 in several old block 48 photos. The bank is the corner bank on block 59.

April 15, 1909 The Collinsville News:

Work on Buckles new brick building commenced this week, and soon this side of the street will be almost a solid brick block again. It doesn't take long to throw up the brick walls these days. A stairway will be left between Charley Allens building and Mr. Buckles building, and the second stories will be added later.


2002 Ted Note: Assume these are the two story buildings on lots 21 & 22. Written by W. L. Wright from the News building in same block (48) ... thus the "this side" ... I think the News is stone (see 1906) instead of brick at this point ... but at least not wooden as in the 1900 photo.

May 6, 1909 The Collinsville News:

Spurgeon Bryant will start a drug store in the new Colburn brick block as soon as it is completed.


2002 Ted Note: This is the 2nd from the west (of the 4 units of the Colburn building(s) mentioned in Jan 1909 ... based on the 1914 panoramic photo ... i.e.the antique store east of the book store and west of Farmers Ins today.

May 27, 1909 The Collinsville News:

The Bryant & Keith drug store is making a fine appearance and the boys will be ready in a few days. They have installed a marble plate soda fountain that is a beaut. They will no doubt, do a good business in their new quarters, which is a palace in the new brick block.


2002 Ted Note: Have an undated photo of Jim Keith in front of a Bryant & Keith store front ... maybe this one? see block 48 photos...

April 8, 1909 The Collinsville News:

P.J. Duffy and his force of hands are shoving the work on the new Colburn brick block to the front at a rapid rate. The Allen building, which is a wall heavy enough for a five story brick, is now most ready for the joists, and is will not take long at the way the brick flies to complete the Colburn walls.

Jan. 18, 1919 Collinsville Times (P.M. Eyler)
Maltby and Lee bought Famous corner ... built 6 years ago ...

Jan. 30, 1919 Collinsville Times (P.M. Eyler)
Famous Clothing Co. -- forced to vacate ... had been there past seven years ...