Collinsville, Oklahoma
July 31, 2018
Citizen Water Quality Concerns
Citizen Called Meeting With City Presentation
A citizen-led "City Water Issue Meeting" was held Tuesday July 31, 2018 at the West Main Event Center. There were about 100 in attendance including city representatives. Phil Ostrander provided the facilities and led the question/answer session. City Public Works Director Craig Stokes and an engineer (Steve Toler?) for the firm designing major improvements to the city water treatment plant (which won't be completed until 2020) presented long term and a few interim water treatment changes, then answered questions for the city. The main concerns voiced were in regards to the (foul) odor and taste of city water as well as health concerns. The city (& DEQ) say the city water is "safe" but acknowledge the ordor/taste issues and are working for improvements.

Recent inspection says "water is safe"

Some near-term possibilities being considered by city to improve taste/odor

Significant ($3.2 Million) Long-Term Upgrade to Collinsville Water Treatment Plant
Scheduled to complete by mid-2020
Partial Summary of Key Topics Discussed--
* Drinking water is safe
* Majority of those present agreed Collinsville City Water odor & taste is unacceptable
* City considering short term solutions: more carbon filtering, more line flushing, chemicals in lake for alge
* Some of short term solutions could add $20K cost (& also require DEQ approval)
* Taste & odor problems are common to many cities
* $3.2 Million upgrade to existing water plant facilities expected to complete by May 2020
* There are differing definitions for "lake turnover" ... the city is referring to a change in the boundry level between the top sun heated water and the bottom heated layer
* What makes water smell & taste bad? - the level of organics (carbon based) & manganese
* Why wasn't this addressed earlier? -- it has been addressed many times to varying degrees
* Tests are required and performed monthly and quarterly -- out of compliance letters are required
* Consider oxidation earlier in the process (at raw waater pump station -- requires approval/chemicals)
* Consider bypass of city lake -- adds flow control issues
* Consider (expensive) dredging of city lake to reduce sediment
* $2.2 million estimate just to upgrade 14 block of the old distribution system in town
* "Deadend" water distribution lines make problem worse ... additional flushing helps
* Water tower drain, inspect and maintenance already planned ... standpipe already done
* Citizen concerns that water issues not given proper priority
* Consider buying already treated water (see section below with 2012 buy -vs- treat study)
* Are the chemicals safe?
* Who pays for this?
* Why weren't Mayor, city commissioners or city manager at this meeting to hear citizen concerns?
* A followup meeting is likely according to Phil Ostrander

August 2012 City Decided To Study Choice Between Improving local water treatment facilities -vs- buying treated water.
5. Discussion and possible action concerning Water Supply Feasibility Study. -- Approved. The city has yet another DEQ Consent Order to make improvement to Collinsville's drinking water ... after a notice of violation. Jay Updike recommended the city take a broader / longer term look at alternatives before just spending more money on the existing city infrastructure. The system now gets untreated water via a 1964 vintage concrete pipeline from Oologah Lake (8 miles away in need of major repair/replacement) and is treated at a Collinsville water treatment plant (1979 vintage and near capacity). Updike says the study would compare options such as buying pre-treated water from Tulsa (which has a line already to Bailey ay 116th Street (2 miles away). I did not hear a cost quote for the study. -- Ted Wright coverage on

Nov. 5, 2012 City Meet -- Report On Long Range Water Plan -- Recommends Fixing Own Water System Rather Than Purchase Of Tulsa Water
5. Presentation from Holloway, Updike and Bellen regarding Long Range Water Plan. -- Jay Updike presented results of a study to determine if long term it was better to spend to upgrade city water treatment infrastructure -vs- purchasing water from Tulsa or Rural Water District. The recommendation to the city is to make the required improvements to the existing treatment plant and water line to Oologah. The city is under a DEQ consent order to clean up sludge at the existing lagoon and this study was a first step in deciding how to proceed for the future. The city will likely decide in the near future on this recommendation so the plans for the consent order can be ready for a July 2013 deadline. -- Ted Wright coverage on

DEQ Letter currently posted at City Hall
Sample Previous Coverage
Facebook Video -- Silver Dollar Double Filters Water -- 7/31/2018
2nd Channel 2 Report on Collinsville Water Issues (Jerry Garrett / water plant & tower) -- 7/30/2018
There will be a citizen-led meeting July 31 (6:30pm at West Main Event Center) on water issues
Channel 2 TV Coverage of Citizen Concern With City Water -- 7/25/2018
sample city water warning letter --

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Ted Wright -- last update 8/1/2018

Copyright 2018 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
