School Board Meet
July 9, 2018

Partial Budget Presentation

Board of Education Regular Meeting Monday, July 9, 2018 6:00 PM Collinsville Public Schools
1902 W Maple
Collinsville, OK 74021
The Board of Education may discuss, vote to approve, vote to disprove, vote to table or decide not to vote on any item on the agenda.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call of Members
2. Record of Members Present and Absent -- Stout, Reed, McElroy & Ostrander (Bess was absent)
3. Request to Address the Board -- None

4. Consent Agenda: Discussion and Vote Items (a- n) of the Consent Agenda 4.a. Approval of the 6/27/2018 Special Board Meeting Minutes,
4.b. Approval of Purchase Orders and Payments of Purchase Orders -FY 2018 and FY 2019 General and Building Funds , All District Funds- Approval of Budgets , Reports , Allocations and Investments
4.c. Approval of the Activity Fund Fundraisers as Attached
4.d. Approval of Biztown Contract for FY19
4.e. Approval of the 2018-2019 School Calendar
4.f. Approval of the Professional Development Plan for FY 19
4.g. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with YouthCare of Oklahoma for FY19
4.h. Approval of the Contract with Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services for Transition School-to-Work: Work Study for FY19
4.i. Approval of the Athletic Head Coaches for FY19
4.j. Approval of the Alternative School Calendar for FY19
4.k. Approval of the Title III Consortium Member Cooperative Agreement for FY19
4.l. Approval of the Student Transportation Contract with Tulsa Technology Center for FY19
4.m. Approval of the Extra Duty Salary Schedule for FY19
4.n. Vote to Approve CNP Fund Transfer to and from Angel Fund
-- Approved

5. Discussion and Vote to Accept Board of Education Policy Changes
-- Approved, for security reasons, allow principal option to limit parent access to lunch/breakfasts in commons with all other students: offer private room instead for lunch with their own student.

6. Presentation of Budget for 2018-2019 School Year
-- Julie Crutchfield normally provides the final number for the previous year and estimates for the next year at this time of year but has yet to receive (from the state) official numbers to close out previous year.

8. Vote to Convene in Executive Session
7. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment of Certified and Support Personnel . 25
O.S. Section 307(B)(1).
9. Acknowledge Return of Board to Open Session
10. Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement
-- 6:22pm - 7:11pm

11. Reassignments -- Approved
11.a. Denetta Marler- HS Admin Asst
11.b. Jeannie Smalygo- IT Asst
11.c. Adam Hass- Athletic Training
11.d. Brenda Clow- Activities Dept Admin Asst
11.e. Laura Sheehan- MS ELA Teacher

12. Resignations -- Accepted, (see new business for alternative) -- Rigdon returns to Bartlesville
12.a. Spence Rigdon- Athletic Director

13. Hirings -- Approved
13.a. Shelbie Kirby- CUE PE Teacher
13.b. Haylie Kirby- HS Science Teacher
13.c. Teri Ann Griffith- HS English Teacher
13.d. Jessica John- 6th Grade ELA / Social Studies

14. Directors Report
* Hamlin: last year's testing scores to be released in August
* Janah: CNP -- Free & Reduced meal application process will be online, and meal payment will be "real-time" (with PayPal instead of PaymentPlus)

15. Superintendent's Report -- Lance West reported on these topics:
* Carry over budget estimate
* Rock (construction) road nearly done at CUE ... will be made permanent after construction for 126th St. N. access
* "Howard Ray Court" ceremony planned for first home basketball game.
* High School entry wil be more secure (with buzz-in required) and other entries
fenced off.
* Senior hallway lockers removed ... will be stand-up counters & benches instead

16. Announcements
17. New Business -- Approved
17a. Hiring Kelly Benham for different hours at multiple campuses
17b. Changing activity fund payments (from PaymentPlus) to PayPal (via Mass) for $10 min to $200 max payments (with 5% fee) -- real-time updates and available via Parent Portal
17c. "Director of Student Activities" role formerly held by Jim Riley will be filled "by committee": Brad Cantrell, Ben Davis, Ryan Christian and Art Smalygo, with Brenda Clow as the administrative assistant and moving from ESC to the HS. In addition to sports (athletic director), this includes band, chorus, NHS and many other HS & JrHi activities oversight.

18. Adjournment -- 7:41pm

By: _____________________
Lance West, Superintendent
Posted this 6th day of July at 12:00 p.m. on the door of the Education Service Center, 1902 W Maple, Collinsville, OK 74021.

Ted Wright comments in purple

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Ted Wright -- last update 7/9/2018
-- Copyright 2018
-- Collinsville, OK
Athletic Director Position "By Committee"


2018School Board Scheduled
Meeting Dates (6pm Meets)
Jan. 8, 2018
2nd Monday
Feb. 12, 2018
2nd Monday
Mar. 12, 2018
2nd Monday
April 9, 2018
2nd Monday
May 14, 2018
2nd Monday
June 11, 2018
2nd Monday
July 9, 2018
2nd Monday
Aug. 13, 2018
2nd Monday
Sept. 10, 2018
2nd Monday
Oct. 8, 2018
2nd Monday
Nov. 12, 2018
2nd Monday
Dec. 10, 2018
2nd Monday