City Commission Meeting
November 18, 2013
Re-Appoint Planning Commis.

Regular Meeting Agenda
November 18, 2013 5:30 P.M.
City Hall Commission Chambers
106 N. 12th Street

1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Flag Salute
4. Roll Call -- All present: Sink, Shafer, Weaver, York & Francis
5. Consideration and possible action relating to a request for Commission approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commissioner may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.

--A. Approval of November # 2 Payroll in the amount of $42,985.43.
--B. Approval of Claims in the amount of $34,977.83.
--C. Approval of Minutes from November 4, 2013 Regular Meeting.
-- Approved

6. Discussion and possible action concerning items removed from the Consent Agenda.
-- N/A

7. Report from Mary Risley with Collinsville Downtown Inc.
-- Mary reported on her recent training conference on design ... with the speaker (Ron Drake) discusing his experience saving old buildings by adding loft apartments in Silohm Springs,Arkansas

8. Discussion and possible action to re-appoint Ellis Holly to the Planning Commission with term expiring December 1, 2016. -- Approved

9. Discussion and possible action to re-appoint Herman Wood to the Board of Adjustment with term expiring December 1, 2016. -- Approved

10. Discussion and possible action to re-appoint Ron Scott to the Board of Adjustment with term expiring December 1, 2016. -- Approved

11. Discussion and possible action to appoint Mike Branen to the Board of Adjustment to fill the expired term of Gerald Branen, with term expiring December 1, 2016. -- Approved

12. City Manager’s Report. -- Pam Polk reported on these topics:
* Auditors were here last week ... expect report by end of month
* City Hall Christmas open House / 100th Year Anniversary / Tree Lighting ceremony will be 6-8pm Thursday December 5th.
* Dec. 14th Downtown Christmas Parade
* City Hall will be closed Nov. 28-29 for Thanksgiving
* City Staff luncheon Dec. 12th
* New fence around city park tennis courts

13. Adjournment.

Regular Meeting Agenda
November 18, 2013 immediately following City Meeting
City Hall Commission Chambers
106 N. 12th Street

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call -- (same as above)

3. Consideration and possible action relating to a request for Commission approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commissioner may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.

--A. Approval of November # 1 Payroll in the amount of $26,466.29.
--B. Approval of Claims in the amount of $261,567.57.
--C. Approval of Minutes November 4, 2013 Regular Meeting.
-- Approved

4. Public Work Director’s Report. -- Phil Stowell reported on these topics:
* Electrical Department remains busy
--- working on Ashbury Subdivision (underground lines)
--- trying to schedule time in the park for trail lighting installation
* Park-Cemetery Department
--- working winter projects now with mowing finished for the season
--- benches and grills for new shelters are in storage now ... will be fastened down when installed
--- busy with burials at cemetery
--- tennis fencing upgraded + getting quotes for new nets & extra post removals
--- security camera are operational but still tweeking software for storage/viewing
* Sanitation -- two trash truck operational
--- need to replace some polycarts
-- Thanksgiving trash pickupchanges: Thurs->Wed and Fri->Monday

5. Discussion and possible action concerning items removed from the Consent Agenda.
-- N/A

6. Adjournment.

Ted Wright comments in purple.

Re-Appoint Board of Adjustment




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Ted Wright -- last update 11/15/2013 (& 11/21)

Collinsville, Oklahoma