Public Schools
1119 West Broadway
Collinsville, OK 74021
All persons interested in attending the Regularly Scheduled School Board
Meeting for Collinsville Public Schools, Independent District I-6, should
make plans to attend the meeting at the following date, time and place
to wit:
Date: November 7,
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Education Service Center, 1119 W. Broadway Collinsville, OK 74021
The following items
will appear on the agenda at the above scheduled meeting to wit:
NOTE: The Board of Education may discuss, vote to approve, vote to disapprove,
vote to table or decide not to vote on any item on this agenda.
Note: I was at concurrent city commission
meet for first 4+ topics below. -- Ted
1) Call to Order
and Roll Call of Members.
2) Record of Members Present and Absent. -- All
Present except Memory Ostrander
3) Requests to Address the Board.
4) Reading of Minutes October 10, 2011 Regular Meeting.
5) Approval of Purchase Orders and Payment of Purchase Orders
FY2012 General, Building, Sinking and Casualty Insurance Recovery Funds
and All District Funds - Approval of Budgets, Reports, Allocations and
-- Approved
6) Discussion and Vote to Approve Activity Fund Fundraisers. --
7) Annual District Student Drop-out Report. --
Board had final numbers as followup to Jon Coleman report last month.
Numbers are way down from past years.
8) Ace Remediation Plan Update FY12. -- Tabled
9) Discussion and Vote to Approve Changes to District Board of Education
Policy Book. -- Approved, a new restriction on
audio and video recording device use by students. Most student devices
are already supposed to be turned off during school hours.
10) Discussion and Vote to Approve JA Biztown Program Contract for FY2011-2012.
-- Approved, Junior
Achievement leadership program for gifted 4th & 5th graders with
$25/student fee to be paid by school.
11) Resignations: -- Approved
Nancy Thompson MS Special Needs Para.
12) Proposed Executive Session to Discuss Personnel and Hiring of Classified
Personnel, Pursuant to Section 307 (B)(1) of the Open Meeting Law, O§,
so that the Board May Return to Open Session And Vote to Hire or Not
Hire Classified Personnel for FY2012.
13) Vote to Convene in Executive Session.
14) Vote to Acknowledge Return of Board to Open Session.
15) Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement.
-- No action taken in executive session
16) Discussion and Vote to Approve Election Call Resolution, Post #2.
-- Approved, &
check back for new district boundaries which were also approved. This
realignment is required every 10 years to adapt for population shifts
in census results. Note: the state
provided re-alignment has apparently "moved" Joe Hampton out
of his former District 2 with new boundaries. Hampton is apparently
"grandfathered" into that "new" district in the
upcoming election according to Terry Due based on answer to that specific
question to state officials.
17) Hiring of Personnel: -- Approved
Jackie Hass MS Special Needs TA 6 and ½ Hrs.
18) Assistant Superintendents Report. --
Lance West reported on these topics:
* Repairs at CHS from storm damage (the day before school start in August)
are complete
* Rennovations to class rooms (one at a time) at CHS continue and have
been well received by teachers and students. Improvements include new
windows, carpet, enclosures for heat/air equipment.
* Brighter / more efficient lights are being installed in CHS gym.
* Large (falling) ceiling tiles at Herald gym have been replaced by
smaller tiles.
* PTO shade structure at Herald (previous)
* Rain water drainage improvements at Herald
* Title II meeting
* Benchmark testing
* Pay Pal system (for cafeteria for example) still waiting for school
auditor direction on how to handle "convenience fees" ...
a fee per transaction required by Pay Pal.
* Tech plan meeting Nov. 8th with principals
* Common Core planning (national program ... 48 states now)
19) Superintendents Report. -- Terry Due
reported on these topics:
* schools still in (funding) cutback mode but getting improved test
* December board meeting will likely set priorities for 2012 bond issue
improvements (with drawings of some candidate facilities from the architect)
* December board topic for school web site enhancement plans
20) Announcements.
* CHS Cross Country Girls are were 5A State Runner
Ups with 4 in top 8 (earning All-State honors: Coree Lenhart, Haley
Taylor, Shelbi Kirby and Haylie Kirby).
* Marysa Trost is All-State in Softball
* Band received II at OSSAA
* First ever 5A Football playoff Friday at Pryor
* Great things happening academically
21) New Business: (if any, of an emergency nature or that was not known
at the time the agenda was posted). -- None
22) Adjournment.
This notice being
given and displayed by the authority of the School Board of Independent
District, I-6, acting by and through the undersigned.
Terry Due, Supt. of Schools
Posted this 4th
day of November, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. on the door of the Education Service
Center at 1119 West Broadway, Collinsville, OK 74021.
Wright's comments added in purple