Public Schools
1119 West Broadway
Collinsville, OK 74021
All persons interested in attending the Regularly Scheduled School Board
Meeting for Collinsville Public Schools, Independent District I-6, should
make plans to attend the meeting at the following date, time and place
to wit:
Date: October 10,
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Education Service Center, 1119 W. Broadway Collinsville, OK 74021
The following items
will appear on the agenda at the above scheduled meeting to wit:
NOTE: The Board of Education may discuss, vote to approve, vote to disapprove,
vote to table or decide not to
vote on any item on this agenda.
1) Call to Order
and Roll Call of Members.
2) Record of Members Present and Absent. -- all
3) Requests to Address the Board. -- John Roach
with a construction management service company
explained advantages of that service for future schoool construction
4) Reading of Minutes September 7, 2011 Regular Meeting. --
5) Approval of Purchase Orders and Payment of Purchase Orders
FY2012 General, Building and Casualty Insurance Recovery Funds and All
District Funds - Approval of Budgets, Reports, Allocations and Investments.
-- approved
6) Discussion and Vote to Approve Activity Fund Fundraisers. --
~30 were approved
7) Presentation of FY10-11 Testing Results Karen Peper and Lisa
Rader. -- significant improvement in test scores
in 2011 from 2010. Middle school scores were already solid and showed
the least jump but Herald and high school scores showed big jumps. Wilson
is not tested. The main improvement was achieved by improvement in communication
between administrator, and teachers at the various campuses. The EDIT
process was credited with helping the improvement. "No Child Left
Behind" heightened the pressure on continually improving test scores.
The rules are constantly changing and starting in 2014 the process will
change completely.
8) Discussion and
Vote to Approve FY12 Contract for Vocational Programs. --
approved, state contract (same as last years) for agriculture and family
consumer science. A portion of the salaries are reimbursed.
9) Discussion and Vote to Approve Gifted/Talented Education Plan and
Committee Members. -- approved, the committee
meets and adjust the program for improvement but follows the basic state
10) Discussion and Vote to Approve CheckCare Service Agreement. --
approved (with a no vote by Joe Hampton). The service will attempt to
collect returned checks with a $25 fee to the check writer. The number
of returned checks has increased in recent years ... mostly from fundraiser
sales and lunch payments. The school will typically attempt a no fee
repayment before transfering to CheckCare collection.
11) Discussion and Vote to Approve Testing Incentives for High School
and TAP Schedule Change Jon Coleman. --
approved, "Cardinal Card" program to encourage CHS student
to take all 7 EOI subject tests seriously (instead of just the 4 required
to graduate). The "rewards" would be available to seniors
who had passed all 7 tests and include a once per month early release
from the last hour, freer entrance to sportsevents, free personalization
for a yearbook purchased by student, an additional unexcused absence
for semester test exemption purposes. The new program would begin in
Nov. 2011. The school district would benefit
from the increase in test scores and students would be encouaged to
take additional courses (like algebra II) helping with college prep.
The TAP (Teacher Advisory Period) borrowed from 5 minutes each class
period on Thursdays was moved to 12:50-1:40 9 (between 5th & 6th
12) Discussion and Vote to Approve Changes to District Board of Education
Policy Book. -- Tabled
13) Annual District Student Drop-out Report Jon Coleman. --
There were no middle school drop outs for FY 2010-2011 and only 3 from
CHS (with 1 re-entering). This was a significant improvement from 2009-2010
total of 18 and 2008-2009 total of 23.
14) Resignations: -- accepted
a) Tammy Smith ECC Kindergarten TA.
b) Missy Patterson Herald Special Needs TA.
15) Proposed Executive
Session to Discuss Personnel and Hiring of Classified Personnel, Pursuant
to Section 307 (B)(1) of the Open Meeting Law, O§, so that the
Board May Return to Open Session And Vote to Hire or Not Hire Classified
Personnel for FY2012.
16) Vote to Convene in Executive Session.
17) Vote to Acknowledge Return of Board to Open Session.
18) Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement. --
no action taken
19) Declare Items Surplus and No Longer Needed by District. --
approved, 8 art room tables damaged by rain after roof damage + a failed
20) Discussion and Vote to Approve PayPal Services. --
Tabled, a planned payment system for meals (through the parent portal)
would have a 2.9% charge + a 30 cent fee for each transaction. More
details need to be worked out for passing those fees onto the purchaser
(instead of the school) before implementing the plan.
21) Hiring of Personnel: -- approved
a) Elizabeth Stamper Herald Special Needs TA 6 and 1/2
b) Nicholas Mendez ECC Kindergarten TA 6 Hrs.
c) Denetta Marler MS PE Aide P/T 2-1/2 Hrs. (new position).
22) Assistant Superintendents Report. --
23) Superintendents Report. -- Terry Due
reported for Jim Riley that softball & volleyball seasons had ended
and football & cross country were still in progress. The Lady's
Cross Country team is ranked #1.
24) Announcements. -- none
25) New Business: (if any, of an emergency nature or that was not known
at the time the agenda was posted). -- approved,
bus driver Michelle Koscheski has requested to ask for voluntary/donated
sick leave from other school employees. She has had surgery for an injured
arm and won't be able to drive again until Dec or Jan depending on additional
26) Adjournment.
This notice being
given and displayed by the authority of the School Board of Independent
District, I-6, acting by and through the undersigned.
Terry Due, Supt. of Schools
Posted this 6th
day of October, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. on the door of the Education Service
Center at 1119 West Broadway, Collinsville, OK 74021.
Wright's comments added in purple