Collinsville, Oklahoma
April 11, 2011
Miscellaneous News
Smithsonian Food Exhibit Here In 2012 /
Track Practice /
Library Open House

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Ted Wright -- last update 4/11/2011 (MiscApr11.html)

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About 400 Attended Library Open House
The Collinsville Library celebrated 11 years of improvements since the major 1999 renovations at the 1917 vintage building at 13th and Main. The front steps were full of current and former Library volunteers getting their photos taken when I arrived Sunday. I'll try to have those photos and names later. Inside there were plenty of guests and a variety of entertainment.
Previous Coverage
We are having an Open House on April 10, 2011 3:00-5:00 pm at the Collinsville Library with many activities for adults and children. Garay Shaffer our CEO for Tulsa City County Library will be here and is eager to meet the citizens of Collinsville. Ronnie Neal from the Cherokee Nation will be here with materials about safe routes for children, Kathy Huber from TCCL Genealogy Center will be here with information about genealogy research, CV Library will have a table with information about The Smithsonian Exhibit and for you to sign up to help with the project, staff and volunteers will be here to show you how to search data bases for information on Mango, an on line language system, Land Records, Job Searches, Learning Express and Novel List. Our teens will show host Wii Bowling. We have an Easter Egg Book Hunt for the children, Boynton and The Boys Band will be playing for your entertainment, and so much more for the entire family.
Smithsonian Exhibit To Library In 2012
I wanted all the Chamber members to know that the Collinsville Library will be hosting the Key Ingredients: America By Food Smithsonian Exhibit

June 16, 2012 through August 3, 2012… That is over a year away but the planning has started with our first meeting at the Oklahoma Humanities Council Offices in OKC yesterday. There are so many great opportunities for Collinsville to shine with this project. There are opportunities for additional funding for companion projects such as the Depot Museum, Lessons plans and activities for the schools, grants for transportation for schools from Collinsville surrounding cities, arts learning in the schools and communities grants, collecting oral history training grants and so much more. The sky is the limit for what we can do with this program.

The campaign will begin at the Tri County Fair this August and go from there with activities leading up to the exhibit. The second big activity in Collinsville could be the “Taste of Collinsville”. If you are interested in helping in any way you are more than welcome to become part of the planning and “doing” committee. Both the Smithsonian and Oklahoma Humanities Council have support materials and personnel for us. The Tulsa City-County Library will also be our partner in public relations materials. We are fully encouraged by TCCL to be involved in this program.

The exhibit itself will be focused on how food in American and in our area has contributed to the growth of our families and our country. We will take food from production in the early days to today. We will highlight the importance of family meal times, the festivals planned around ethnic dishes, the people in our community who have kept their heritage alive by the traditional foods they serve and teach their children to prepare, the role food has played in the economy from early 1900’s to today and the role it is playing in our future. There are 15 cases of exhibit materials prepared by The Smithsonian which will be in the Collinsville Library for 6 weeks.

Collinsville Library submitted a grant in 2009 to become one of 6 communities in Oklahoma to host this exhibit. The fact that we were acknowledged as a city worthy of the exhibit is in itself a great honor for Collinsville. It will take all of us working together to make the most of our role in Oklahoma’s History.

-- Submitted By Dr. Susan Babbitt 4/5/2011
CHS Trackster Prep For Upcoming Meets
I took a few photos Friday (after school) with a few of the CHS and JrHi track kids practicing around the CHS track. Pole vaulting has been a low participation Collinsville event in the past but I am encouraged to see so many students giving it a try (above). I recognize Jake Barton (blue shorts) in the vaulting photos but won't attempt any other IDs yet. The Cardinal JrHi will host a meet here Thursday April 21st and the varsity will host their meet here Friday April 22nd. They will both host the Metro Lakes meet here Saturday April 30th. -- Ted