(email questions/comments to wrightted@aol.com).
Ted Wright -- last update 8/5/2010 (ChamberCityDrAshlock.html) www.cvilleok.com

Copyright 2010 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma

Collinsville Chamber of Commerce
August 5, 2010
Dr. Justin Ashlock Offered Health Advice
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Collinsville Chamber of Commerce.
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(Membership Info)
Next Chamber meeting is Sept. 2nd
2010 Chamber Officers

Pres: Ernie Davis
VP: Jim Dolton
Sec/Tres: Billie Francis
Pres. Elect: Traci Conley

Directors (2010-2012):
Marilyn Hardacre
Beth Ann Langston
Anne Stribling

Directors (2009-2011):
Nichole Landrum
Ted Wright
Bill Johnston

Directors (2008-2010):
Christine Wilson
Kelly Hamlin
Stacy Brown

1-Year Directors:

Officer Travis Lindsey
Don Hutchinson
Phil Ostrander

Honary Board Members:
Pam Polk (City Manager)
Stan Sallee (Mayor)
Terry Due (School Supt.)
John Smaligo (Tulsa Co. Comm.)
Earl Sears (Stare Representative)
Randy Brogdon (State Senator)

Exercise & Diet & Stress Reduction
Healthy Choices To Lessen Need For Crisis Health Care

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We are an active part of the communities we serve because they are the places we call home. The members we serve live, work and play in the lush rolling hills of northeastern Oklahoma.

Headquartered in Collinsville, Oklahoma, VVEC is a distribution electric cooperative. We provide electric service to residential, commercial and industrial consumers through more than 32,000 meters and more than 4,500 miles of electric line in portions of Nowata, Osage, Rogers, Tulsa and Washington counties.

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Dr, Justin Ashlock (of Ashlock Chiropractic, 12899 E. 76th St. N., #101, Owasso, OK 74055) spoke to the Collinsville Chamber of Commerce Thursday August 5, 2010. The topic of his address was making healthy choices now to hopefully avoid medical problems rather than waiting for a health crisis to occur.

With heart disease and cancer the top killers (along with stroke and diabeties as the top disablers), Dr. Ashlock recommended exercise and diet choices to greatly reduce the risk of each of those illnesses. He also noted the importance of reducing stress as it contributes to most health problems. Less caffine, more downtown and more routine/sleep were recommended.

A sample of Dr. Ashlock's key points: our nation uses too many pills; we unfortunately wait and treat the sick rather than working to keep people healthy; and it takes about 21 days to change to a healthy eating habit so stick with it.

Dr. Justin Ashlock