Collinsville, Oklahoma
June 18, 2009
Education Foundation Fundraiser

19 Teams + Sponsors Helped Raise Collinsville Education Funds For Teacher Grants
12th Annual Event
At Owasso Course

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1110 W. Main, Collinsville, OK 74021
(email questions/comments to
Ted Wright -- last update 6/18/2009 (CEFgolf2009.html)

Copyright 2009 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma

This page sponsored in part by:

W. T. Thomas
George Sallee
Jeanie Barnes
Joe Landon
Sheryl Witten
Rhonda Paul
Tharyn Nachtigall
Carolyn Brinkley
Ron Evans

John Butts Jr, accepts a photo of his dad (who the CEF Golf Tournament is named after) from CEF President Bill Thomas.
The Walmart Superstore (Owasso) team posted the lowest score (55) and consisted of Marty Cooper, Robert Green, Rob Walker, Doug Gower (not in photo order?).
Mark Enhen presented the contribution check from The Collinsville Masonic Lodge #165.
The American Bank of Oklahoma team posted the 2nd lowest score (56). The team members were Mike Kauk, Stephen Finson, Mike Overton and James Dugger (order?).
John Smaligo won the closest to the hole award.
Only 2 members of the 3rd place (57) Overholt Heat & Air Team were at awards presentation collecting plaques for Robert Schlomann, Greg Overholt, Chet Overholt and James Graham.
I didn't get his name written down but the winner of the longest drive (a member of the American Bank team) accepted his plaque from CEF Trustee Sheryl Witten.