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Ted Wright -- last update 8/25/2004 (SenatorInhofe.html) Copyright 2004
Collinsville, Oklahoma

U.S. Senator Vists Collinsville
August 25, 2004
Spoke Briefly & Answered Questions
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Sen. Jim Inhofe
on August Recess form the U.S. Senate
Visited 5 Communities Today

Oklahoma's U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (right) was greeted at the door by Collinsville Mayor Stan Sallee (left) and George Sallee (center). Despite the short notice (less than one day) the Senator was welcomed by a room full of Collinsville residents at the American Bank Community Room Wednesday Aug. 25th.
A link to Senator Inhofe's official web site (and other elected officials) can be found on the "About Us" page on

According to information on his web site, Inhofe was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1994 following the resignation of David Boren. He was re-elected in 1996 and again in 2002. Inhofe became the Chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee in Jan. 2003. He is also a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Indian Affairs Committee.

Inhofe had previously served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives representing Oklahoma's First Congressional District which includes Tulsa County. He was elected to the Oklahoma State House of Representatives in 1966, served one term, and was then elected to the State Senate where he served two terms and became Minority Leader. He served as Tulsa's Mayor from 1978 to 1984.

Also according to his website, Inhofe became the only member of Congress to fly an airplane around the world when he recreated Wiley Post's legendary trip around the globe.

Addressing Collinsville citizens today, Senator Jim Inhofe recalled fond memories of Collinsville from previous campaigns. He said he and his good friend, Adam Sallee, would go door-to-door and also greet voters at the weekly sales (at the Sale Barn on Main St.). He said he even had a Collinsville Headquarters when in the Oklahoma Senate. Inhofe still commutes from Oklahoma to Washington D.C. to keep better informed on what is happening here, rather than "having lobbyist for neighbors."

The Senator covered a broad range of topics before taking questions from the Collinsville folks. Inhofe called "the Federal Government the biggest obstacle to business". He also indicated he is working on a bill to bring one billion additional dollars to Oklahoma to help improve the roads that are second worst in the nation (ahead of only Arkansas). Inhofe accused the EPA of "lying on several issues" with global warming being one of them.