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Ted Wright -- last update 12/20/2003 (cvilleokstatsDec19.html) Copyright 2003

Ave. 124 visits per day in December (2491 Dec. 1-19)
June 11 - Dec. 19, 2003
18,418 total visits to
This web site is brought to you by the Newspaper Museum In Collinsville and the other advertisers appearing on these pages. If you would like to provide content or advertisements ...
call Ted Wright (918) 371-1901 or send email to

Previous Stats:
Dec. 3

Note: I emphasize the "visits" instead of "hits" as that number more closely represents an individual visiting the site on any given 30 minute period. The hits are inflated because they count each file request which includes each different photo and text group on a page which could be a few hundred during a single visit.
-- Ted