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Ted Wright -- last update 8/25/2003 (schEarlyChild.html) Copyright 2003

Early Childhood Center
Aug. 25, 2003
Collinsville Public Schools -- 10th & Oak
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With 160 students ranging in age from 3 to 5 years old, the Early Childhood Center is beginning it's fifth year in a former church building at 10th and Oak. Before 1999 the program had worked with special education students only. They now have both regular and special education students.

Mrs. Becky Darland.
Mrs. Michelle Gregory,
Mrs. Diertra Harris,
Mrs. Lesa Lafferty,
Mrs. Jessica Lee,
Mrs. Vickie Sowards

Principal: Janice Pollard

Phone: (918) 371-6870

"Learning is Fun & Fun is Learning"

Early Childhood Center Learning Centers:

A learning center is an addition to the student's learning environment. It provides an orderly experience in which the student may grow independently at their own pace, learn in their own manner, and at a level that is appropriate in relation to their potential. Centers can help the teacher provide instruction at a variety of levels and skills.

ART CENTER: The art center is an exciting place for children to work. Children come to the center, choose an activity, and work independently. When children cut with scissors, they use small muscles to do what their eyes tell them to do. Lots of practice using fine muscles is needed before children make precise marks on paper. As children learn to use the art center to express themselves, they develop the ability to think creatively and solve problems.

LIBRARY CENTER: The library center provides the children with the opportunity to write, read and listen to stories. Children can listen to stories on the tape recorder and draw what they hear. Children also have the opportunity to share these activities with their friends. Children learn to appreciate and enjoy good literature as they explore their own creative efforts. Taking care of books becomes part of a routine as children understand the value of books and develop a love of reading that will last a lifetime.

BLOCK CENTER: The block center is a very versitile learning place. Reading, Writing, Math, language, and social skills occur through the use of blocks. When children play and organize their structures, they are learning beginning skills necessary for reading and writing. Children develop important thinking skills such as creating balance, order and symmetry as they work with blocks. Blocks are in direct mathematical proportion so fractions, part/whole relationships, shapes and counting are a natural part of building. When children work together to create a structure, they are sharing not only the blocks but their ideas and plans for the structure. Planning together gives them a reason to work cooperatively.

POURING CENTER: The pouring center is a place to learn many different concepts and skills. Children learn math by measuring volume, weight, balance and distance. In addition, they learn the concepts of more and less, empty and full, and solid and liquid. They develop scientific principals when they explore different textures and experiment with the properities of many kinds of materials. Vocabulary is increased as children work with and talk about funnels, water wheels, measuring cups, eye droppers, etc.

MANIPULATIVE CENTER: The manipulative center has many different areas such as flannel board, magnetic board, puzzle shelf, and games. There are many choices so that children can work a puzzle with a friend or cooperatively play games with other children. Finding the differences or figure ground perception (distinguishing shapes from their background). Puzzle work also helps develop the understanding of the part/whole relationship, a valuable math and reading skill. By working with a friend, there are lots of opportunities to negotiate and problem solve which leads to the development of effective communication.

DRAMATIC PLAY CENTER: As children play in the dramatic play center, they learn to take turns, share, and select their friends based on common interests. They take on family and community roles that help them understand what other people do and how they act. In essence, children have an opportunity to try on a role and see if it fits their personality style. The dramatic play center helps them to make choices and decisions as they discover ways people help each other. Children also learn to problem solve, work out difficult situations, develop vocabulary, and practice social interaction.

COMPUTER ACTIVITIES: As children use the computer, they begin to feel confortable with technology and to understand its capabilities. They are developing a critical foundation to build on and add to all throughout their school experience. Computer use is an everyday choice for the children as it becomes another "play" activity. Software is the key to using the computer as an effective learning tool. Through appropriate software, children can solve meaningful, real-life problems, express themselves in writing and drawing, experience math problems and discover solutions.

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