Collinsville, Oklahoma
April 6, 2020
Miscellaneous News
Remote School Has Begun / CNP Meals Continue / City Shelters In Place / Recent Grads / Basketball Honors
Collinsville students have not seen the inside of a classroom since Friday March 13th (24 calendar days ago) as they officially begin six weeks of "Distance Learning" today (April 6, 2020) at their homes. Students, parents and teachers have adapted daily to a rapidly changing world that is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic with the primary tool being isolation. The coronavirus is spreading from country-to-country and state-to-state and community-to-community and household-to-household at varying rates with varying impacts ranging from mild symptoms to death. Everyone is making sacrfices and many are risking their own health as they serve others. Please continue to do your part and try to obtain the best outcome possible during and after this historic event. -- Ted Wright -- April 6, 2020 -- (Tweet)
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Ted Wright -- last update 4/6/2020

Copyright 2020 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
