Collinsville, Oklahoma
February 5, 2019 (Online Feb. 13th)
CHS Basketball -vs- Skiatook
Bryn Willt
Crowned Queen

Varsity Losses
2019 Basketball Queen Bryn Willt was crowned by King Drake Rule.
Frosh: Carley White & Caden Fry
Soph: Jolie Cole & Caden Buoy
Juniors: Megan Scyrkles & Gaige Longshore
Seniors: Abby Stacy & Peyton Dees

I congratulated 2019 Basketball Queen Bryn Willt for not having to go through the Homecoming Ceremony with a black eye like she did as a freshman attendant back in Feb. 2016 (photo at left) ... but it wasn't all good as she thinks she may have a broken finger this time. -- Ted Wright

The girls lost 37-40 and the boys lost 60-70 to Skiatook Tues. Feb. 5..


2019 Basketball Homecoming Royalty announced:
Homecoming Coronation will be on February 5th during halftime of the Varsity Boys’ game. (Varsity Boys’ game starts at 7:30.)

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Ted Wright -- last update 2/13/2019

Copyright 2019 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
