Collinsville, Oklahoma
March 26, 2017
H.U.G. - Comfort Dogs For Vets
Bluegrass Country/Gospel & Variety Show Fundraisers
Next Show Is April 20th
At Freewill Baptist Church

Our April 20 (3rd Thurs show) will be at the Freewill Baptist Church on Hwy 169 -- 1/2 mile North of Collinsville -- exit (next to Lamberts Auto salvage) behind the church in the fellowship hall. It will be starting @ 6:30 to 8:00--Refreshments on site.

Our May show location will be announced there--We are looking to find various venues


Ray & Bobbie Page (3/17/2017)

H.U.G a Veteran Fundraiser Show

We took in $565.00 at the 3/16/17 show to buy Comfort dogs for vets--What a blessing !!

We are getting the dogs from G.I.Wishes (501 (c) 3) for $50 each spayed/neutered-all shots-chip and one year veterinarian services.

H.U.G.a Veteran and G.I.Wishes work closely with the VA and veterans.

When the dog is placed we (H. U. G. a Veteran) will furnish the following; Food (Up to a dollar amount)-water and food bowls-collar-ID tag-leash-chewy bones-toys-grooming supplies-kennel-bed-flea & tick control

Volunteers will drop off ongoing supplies monthly giving an opportunity to interact.

We now have a few volunteers and will need more as we place more animals.

At present we have McDonalds for refreshments @ the shows & Home Depot for the stage.

99.5-Tulsa is doing our PSA's on their weekly Sunday morning Gospel shows-7 to 12:00.

Our objective is to produce (Low Budget) on-going shows that can be copied Nationwide.

We will train other locations once we get our own shows up and running and easily duplicated.

All monies at the door will go for the sole purpose of getting and supporting Comfort Dogs.

Outside sponsors will cover production costs including venue-band- sound and advertising.

We are reaching out now for sponsors--Sponsors and totals will be available at each show.

Send donations to:

Ray & Bobbie Page
HUG A Veteran Fundraiser
15811 N. 113 E. Ave
Collinsville OK 74021

If you need a statement for taxes--just ask


Previous Coverage
The First Show Was March 16th
Hi Ted--

We--Help Us Give a Veteran a Comfort dog--have teamed up with G.I.Wishes (501 (c) 3) to supply Comfort Dogs to returning Veterans--G.I. Wishes furnishes dogs to Veterans for $50.00--These animals are spayed/neutered all their shots--a chip--and 1 year FREE vet service--We--H U G a Veteran--are doing a series of music show fundraisers to pay the $50.00 and also supply the ongoing needs of the Comfort Dog--food--doggie bowls--collar--tag--basically whatever the animal would need--We also are getting volunteers who will go by monthly to bring dog supplies to the veterans Comfort Dog--giving us an excuse to check on both--My goal is to produce low budget shows with high yields that can be duplicated elsewhere throughout the USA--Our 1st show is tonight @ 6:00 at the Veterans Memorial Building--Collinsville--all acoustic Country Gospel with scattered humor--2 hour show includes guest speakers explaining our goals--McDonalds--Home Depot and others are helping with production costs and supplies--ALL MONIES--(offering)@ the show will go to the purchase and up-keep of the Comfort Dogs--1 year minimum--FYI--we are loosing 20 veterans per day from suicide--Tragic--Perhaps this will help--hope to see you there

Thanks--Ray Page & Bobbie--Producers


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1110 W. Main, Collinsville, OK 74021

Frequently Asked Questions
(email questions/comments to
Ted Wright -- last update 3/26/2017 (HUGcomfortDogsforVets.html)

Copyright 2017 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
Sample Photos by Norman Van Sickle from the
March 16th Show At The Veterans Building