Collinsville, Oklahoma
January 26, 2017
Miscellaneous News
Levi Draper All-State /
Boomer & Erickson All Stars /

FFA Egg Hatching Experiment /
Golf Schedules /
Honor Band
Honor Band
The following Collinsville band students will be performing in the 2017 NCDA Honor band in Stillwater this Friday (Jan. 27th). It was rescheduled from Jan. 6th.
Football All Stars
Congratulations to Levi Draper, Seth Boomer and Brett Erickson for being selected as 5A All Stars!!!
Additionally congratulations to Levi for being selected to the OCA All State football team!!!
-- Kevin Jones Jan. 24, 2017
FFA News -- Hatching Egg Without Shell
Some of you know that my animal science class has been trying to replicate an experiment seen online where chicken eggs were hatched without shells. This experiment has only had about a 60% success rate when done at universities with top of the line equipment so our hopes were not high BUT we have a LIVE embryo! The students are very excited and have managed to keep this going even while I was out sick. It is not everyday you get to see a live embryo so if you are interested stop by and see us! -- Jennifer Hamlin 1/23/2017

Jan 27 Update: Hey, my name is Katsy Smalygo, I am President of the Collinsville FFA chapter. And currently in our Animal Science class, we are trying to hatch quail and chicken eggs without a shell. This has only been done a couple of times in Japan. This video is the heart beating of a quail egg that was incubated for 3 days prior to cracking. Thought this was pretty exciting considering the Japanese students had a 40% success rate out of 22 eggs in their trail. We have 5 cracked quail eggs and 5 uncracked (still in shell) quail eggs for control.

2017 CHS Golf Schedules

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Ted Wright -- last update 1/26/2017 (MiscJan26.html)

Copyright 2017 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma