Collinsville, Oklahoma
April 22, 2017
2017 CHS Zoo Prom
Collinsville HS Students
Enjoyed Tulsa Zoo
Animals, Music & Dancing
Grizzly Bear says "I'd like to eat that flower" ...
Grizzly Bear says "Ya'll come back now" ...
Grizzly Bear says "Is that my picture on your phone?" ...
The nearby Tulsa Air & Space Museum was hosting a special event at the same time as Prom.

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1110 W. Main, Collinsville, OK 74021

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Ted Wright -- last update 4/25/2017 (CHSProm2017.html)

Copyright 2017 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
Collinsville Jr-Sr Banquet 100 Years Ago ...featuring tunes on the Victrola and a tribute to 2 seniors gone to World War I.