Collinsville, Oklahoma
July 14, 2016
Cows Summer Vacation
Cattle Escaped Their Pasture
Near Cemetery & Dollar General

A few "escaped" cows caused a commotion Thursday morning as they roamed in and near the Ridgelawn Cemetery and Highway 20 before being returned to their own field. This one thought it had found a tasty treat but was disappointed when the flowers turned out to be plastic. -- July 14, 2016
This cow was jogging and grazing along State Highway 20 causing some traffic congestion Thursday morning.
I got a news tip about 8am Thursday that the CHS Cross Country team was "herding" cattle out by Ridgelawn Cemetery. By the time I got there the human runners were gone but there were still two cows out loose. I saw city staff steer one back into it's pasture east of the cemetery and before I left they had the other cornered in a nearby resident's yard across from the high school. -- Ted Wright -- July 14, 2016

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Ted Wright -- last update 7/14/2016 (CowAdventure.html)

Copyright 2016 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma