2015 Collinsville High School Graduate
Dakota Fugate
Collinsville, OK
Collinsville FFA's 15 minutes of Fame
OETA contacted us asking for our help with an FFA story. We were glad to assist in spreading the word about FFA and just a few days later our classroom had been turned into a filming area! Throughout the day we were filmed and several seniors were interviewed. Luckily, we only had to wait 3 days to see the film which aired on December 5th- 7th. If you would like to watch it yourself visit the link below.

Also we would like to thank OETA for allowing us to be a part of such a unique experience!


-- Jennifer Hamlin 12/8/2014

(Additional Information)
This web site is brought to you by the Newspaper Museum In Collinsville, Ted Wright & Collinsville Public Schools ... contact Ted Wright wrightted@aol.com.
(email questions/comments to wrightted@aol.com).
By Ted Wright -- last update 6/21/2015
(Grads15-Fugate-Dakota.html) www.cvilleok.com

Copyright 2015 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma