City Commission Meeting
Nov. 3, 2014
Rezoning Request 123 N. 14th (3rd try)

Closing Main Street For Dec. 13th Christmas Parade

Enhanced Emergency Number (E-911) Service with Cox Communications



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Ted Wright -- last update 11/2/2014 (& 11/5)

Collinsville, Oklahoma

November 3, 2014 5:30 P.M.
City Hall Commission Chambers
106 N. 12th Street

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation.

3. Flag Salute.

4. Roll Call. -- Garrett, Shafer, York & Francis present - (Bateman absent)

5. Consideration and possible action relating to a request for Commission approval of the Consent agenda. All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commissioner may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.

--A. Approval of October # 3 Payroll in the amount of $51,693.50.
--B. Approval of Claims in the amount of $19,090.21.
--C. Approval of Minutes from October 20, 2014 Regular Meeting.
--D. Approval to close Main Street from 5th to 15th Streets from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on December 13, 2014 for Collinsville’s Annual Christmas Parade.
--E. Approval of Cemetery Deed for Delaun J. Blake – one space.
--F. Approval of Service Fee Agreement for Enhanced Emergency Number (E-911) Service between Cox Communications and City of Collinsville, Oklahoma.
-- Approved (with revised minutes)

6. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning items removed from the Consent Agenda. -- n/a

7. First reading of Ordinance Number 879. -- Approved (after a lengthy discussion for 3rd session in a row regarding the appropriate use of the emergency protocol for ordinances). It was finally agreed to not use the emergency clause for this one and do a legal publication and bring this (item 8 below) back for a vote again at the next regular session. A work session and/or legal opinion from the attorney general is likely required to iron out the protocol for future ordinances. The unresolved question was "unamious" approval of an emergency being of those present -vs- the full commission ... as the city charter and state law differ.

8. Discussion, consideration and possible action to approve Ordinance Number 879, an Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 606, the Zoning Code of the City of Collinsville, Oklahoma, by approving CZ-186, repealing all Ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency.
(Request is to rezone a tract located at 123 N. 14th from CBD Central Business District to RD Residential Duplex District.)
-- n/a ... see item 7

9. Consider a motion declaring an emergency for Ordinance Number 879 for preservation of public health, peace and/or safety making it effective immediately. -- n/a ... see item 7

10. City Manager’s Report. -- Pam Polk reported on these topics:
* The auditor visited the city last week ... a report is expected soon
* Halloween "Just Treats" was a success -- city staff also gave out candy
* City Treasurer Lori Stephens grandbaby died shortly after birth ... city hall will be closed during funeral
* City surveys mailed out with bills - free ice cream provides incentive to return form
* Vision 2015 - grant applications due soon
* REAP gant process for another grant to continue drainage/paving near postoffice
* City met with Felix Keith & Carolyn Smith on easements for BlackJack Creek sewer improvement

11. Adjournment.

DATE: October 31, 2014
TIME: 3:45 p.m.
BY: Angela McGinnis

November 3, 2014 immediately following City Meeting
City Hall Commission Chambers
106 N. 12th Street

1. Call to Order.

2. Roll Call. -- same as above

3. Consideration and possible action relating to a request for Commission approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commissioner may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.

--A. Approval of October # 3 Payroll in the amount of $28,928.60.
--B. Approval of Claims in the amount of $41,676.16.
--C. Approval of Minutes from October 20, 2014 Regular Meeting.
-- Approved

4. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning items removed from the Consent Agenda. -- n/a

5. Public Works Director Report. -- Phil Stowell reported on these topics:
* Recent rash of brief electric outages ...rodents (not limbs)
* Raw water line break ... repair in progress
* Thank you to city crews for help with other departments and Just Treats
* Interviewing -- 2 sanitation and 1 water treatment job openings

6. Adjournment.

DATE: October 31, 2014
TIME: 3:45 p.m.
BY: Angela McGinnis

Ted Wright comments in purple.