School Board Meet
February 10, 2014

Snow Days Makeup
Link to previous
school board news.

Link To Agendas on School Web Site.

Collinsville Public Schools
1902 West Maple
Collinsville, OK 74021

All persons interested in attending the Regularly Scheduled School Board Meeting for Collinsville Public Schools, Independent District I-6, should make plans to attend the meeting at the following date, time and place to wit:

Date: February 10, 2014
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Education Service Center, 1902 West Maple, Collinsville, OK 74021

The following items will appear on the agenda at the above scheduled meeting to wit:
NOTE: The Board of Education may discuss, vote to approve, vote to disapprove, vote to table or decide not to vote on any item on this agenda.

1) Call to Order and Roll Call of Members.
2) Record of Members Present and Absent. -- All Present (Stout, Ostrander, Johnson, Reed,& Oder)
3) Requests to Address the Board.
4) Reading of Minutes – January 6, 2014 Regular Meeting.
5) Approval of Purchase Orders and Payment of Purchase Orders – FY2014 General and Building Funds All District Funds - Approval of Budgets, Reports, Allocations and Investments.
6) Discussion and Vote to Approve Activity Fund Fundraisers.
7) Discussion and Vote to Accept Audit for FY2013 from Kerry J. Patten, CPA, School District Auditor.
Note: I missed the first 7 items above while giving a Newspaper Museum tour to scouts. -- Ted

8) Discussion and Vote to Approve Changes to the Collinsville Board of Education Policy Book. -- none
9) Discussion and Vote to Approve the Oklahoma Education Coalition Funding Rally Resolution. -- Approved a motion to support the resolution. School here will be in session that day (March 31st) but will work with teachers to allow at least some representatives to attend the rally in OKC. One of the drivers in the discussion of keeping/adding school days soon (for both item 9 and 10 below) is that teacher are now 7 (snow) days behind getting the kids ready for the spring tests (which are mostly taken in April).

10) Discussion and Vote to Amend the 2013-2014 & 2014-2015 School Calendar. -- Approved changes to this year's calendar to change Feb. 17, March 14, and May 23 to students attendance days. Next years calendar was also modified to move the "bad weather" days forward from the end of May up ahead of the testing period (if needed).
This Friday Feb. 14, 2014 remains a non-attendance day but the long weekend is now shortened with students returning to class Monday Feb. 17th (President's Day). The previous professional day on Friday March 14th is now an attendance day for students. The teacher's professional day will have to be moved after Memorial day. Another 1/2 professional day (May 23rd) also converts to an attendance day for students and makes ther last day of classes 1 day later than the previous May 22nd.
[I won't even attempt to summarize all the requirements and options for meeting state attendance (days or minutes, etc...) but rather than take shortcuts or barely slide by some requirements the school administration recommended these days to provide the best chance for preparing for spring testing as well as the potential for even more snow days later. -- Ted Wright]

11) Proposed Executive Session to Discuss Personnel and Hiring of Certified and Classified Personnel, Pursuant to Section 307 (B) (1) of the Open Meeting Law, O§, so that the Board May Return to Open Session And Vote to Hire or Not Hire Certified and Classified Personnel for FY2013. (7:58-9:26pm)
12) Vote to Convene in Executive Session.
13) Vote to Acknowledge Return of Board to Open Session.
14) Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement.

15) Discussion to Renew or Not Renew Superintendent of Schools Contract until June 30, 2017. -- Approved

16) Assistant Superintendent’s Report. -- Lance West reported on these topics:
* Feb. 6th bid openings for the new upper elementary building was held Feb. 6th (134 bids for 28 subcontract categories were opened by Brewer Construction Management for the school). The school board will hold a special session (noon Feb. 19th) to act on the recommended bids.
* Jordan Smith will report to the school board on bond status
* A ceiling sprinkler head froze and eventually broke at the high school 9th grade annex last week (Friday?) just after school had been dismissed. The water release set off the fire alarm and school staff were able to quickly limit the scope of the water damage to one room and the halway.
* The outdoor buildings at the high school that are to be relocated for the new gym have begun to come down. It is hoped they will be back up and operational in their new location in April.

17) Superintendent’s Report. -- Terry Due reported on these topics:
* appreciates the board understanding for approving the calander changes and the teacher/principals/parents for adapting to meet the needs of the students.

18) Announcements.
* Region 7 Coaching group covers all of Tulsa County (including the 6A schools). Kevin Jones was unamiously named the Region 7 Football Coach of the Year. Weston Harding was named to coach the all-state wrestling team.
* Two JrHi Wrestlers won state championships this past weekend (Connor Henson 80lbs
and Jack Hammond 84lbs at the 6th-7th grade level)

19) New Business: (if any, of an emergency nature or that was not known at the time the agenda was posted). -- Approved declaring surplus old athletic clothing items as recommended by athletic director Jim Riley as space is being cleared in preparation for upcoming construction at the high school.

20) Adjournment. -- 9:40pm

This notice being given and displayed by the authority of the School Board of Independent District, I-6, acting by and through the undersigned.

By: ________________________________
Terry Due, Supt. of Schools

Posted this 7th day of February 2014 at 12:00 p.m. on the door of the Education Service Center at 1902 West Maple, Collinsville, OK 74021.

Ted Wright comments in purple

7 Snow Days Used

Oklahoma Education Coalition Funding Resolution
(March 31st OKC Rally)

Audit Report

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(email questions/comments to
Ted Wright -- last update 2/7/2014 (& 2/11)
(SchoolBoardFeb10.html) -- Copyright 2014 -- Collinsville, OK
2014 School Board
Meeting Dates
Jan. 8, 2014
2nd Wednesday
Feb. 10, 2014
2nd Monday
Feb. 19th Noon Special - Wednesday
Mar. 10, 2014
2nd Monday
April 7, 2014
1st Monday
May 5, 2014
1st Monday
June 2, 2014
1st Monday
July 7, 2014
1st Monday
Aug. 4, 2014
1st Monday
Sept. 8, 2014
2nd Monday
Oct. 6, 2014
1st Monday
Nov. 3, 2014
1st Monday
Dec. 8, 2014
School Calendar
Friday Dec. 6, 2013 unscheduled bad weather day
Monday Dec. 9, 2013 unscheduled bad weather day
Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013 unscheduled bad weather day
Monday Jan. 6, 2014 unscheduled bad weather day
Tueday Jan. 7, 2014 unscheduled bad weather day
Monday Feb. 3, 2014 unscheduled bad weather day
Tuesday Feb. 4, 2014 unscheduled bad weather day

Next School Year (2014-2015) -- (these are outdated after 2/10/2014 changes to bad weather days -- check back for updates when available -- Ted)