Collinsville, Oklahoma
November 21, 2013
JFK In Oklahoma 1961
Photos By C.H. Wright During President Kennedy's Visit To Senator Robert S. Kerr's
Oklahoma Ranch In November 1961
(Two Years Before Kennedy Assassinated)

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Newspaper Museum In Collinsville
1110 W. Main, Collinsville, OK
In October 1961 Claude Henderson (C.H.) Wright, then retired editor of The Collinsville News, took the photo above of President John F. Kennedy (in the rocking chair) during a visit to Oklahoma 52 years ago (at Big Cedar near Poteau). The event was held at the ranch of Oklahoma U.S. Senator Robert S. Kerr (standing at the microphone). Seated to the right of Kennedy are Vice President Lyndon Johnson, Senator Mike Monroney, Congressman Carl Albert (blocked from view by Mrs. Kerr), Oklahoma Governor Howard Edmondson. I can't identify several others but am pretty sure that Clem McSpadden is seated to the far right. -- Ted Wright 11/21/2013
50 Years Ago --
Collinsville Coverage Of President Kennedy's 1963 Death
I was a 7th grader in class in the old Collinsville High Building (along with all the other 7th-12th graders) on a Friday mid-day (November 22, 1963) when the word was sent room to room first that the President had been shot. Superintendent Howell Wilson then came back with the update that the President had died. The entire nation then spent the next several days watching more history unfold live on television. We have spent the following 50 years as the story seems to never end or satisfy the curious. My grandfather took the photos on this page. My grandmother told us during the days following Kennedy's death that she remembered as a child when President McKinley had been assassinated. -- Ted Wright 11/21/2013