Collinsville, Oklahoma
May 24, 2012
Miscellaneous News
Harding & Jeffries Summer Wrestling (Representing Oklahoma) /
Miss Cherokee Contestants Sought /
Band Colorguard Car Wash /
Obstacle Course Challenge - QB Club

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Ted Wright -- last update 5/24/2012 (MiscMay24.html)

Copyright 2012 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
Colorguard Car Wash
June 16th
Dear Band Family,

Just an FYI: That the CCC Colorguard are having a Car Wash on June 16 at RCB Bank, 11633 East 86th Street North in Owasso. All proceeds go to help purchase next years color guard uniforms for marching band.

If you can please come out between 9am and 3pm and help the girls out!!

Thanks, Connie

Contestants Sought to Compete for Miss Cherokee Title
Eligible contestants must be between the ages of 17 and 22 as of Aug. 25, 2012. To be eligible, a candidate must be a citizen of the Cherokee Nation who resides within the tribe’s jurisdictional area. Additionally candidates must be a high school graduate or have a GED.

NOTE: It appears the ¼ blood quantum requirement has been removed. -- Cara Cowan Watts 5/11/2012

From: Cherokee Nation Communications []

May 11, 2012

Contestants sought to compete for Miss Cherokee title

TAHLEQUAH, Okla. — For more than 50 years Miss Cherokee has served as a cultural icon and a goodwill ambassador on behalf of the Cherokee Nation. The Cherokee Nation is currently accepting Miss Cherokee Leadership Competition entries from young women interested in representing their tribe and earning money for their education. The competition is held in conjunction with the 60th Cherokee National Holiday to be held in Tahlequah over Labor Day weekend.

“We have a long history of selecting strong, capable women to represent our nation as Miss Cherokee,” said Deputy Principal Chief S. Joe Crittenden. “As a traditionally matrilinear tribe, it is fitting that we have a young woman as an ambassador and role model and it is my hope that every eligible Cherokee citizen will be up for the challenge to participate.”

Eligible contestants must be between the ages of 17 and 22 as of Aug. 25, 2012. To be eligible, a candidate must be a citizen of the Cherokee Nation who resides within the tribe’s jurisdictional area. Additionally candidates must be a high school graduate or have a GED.

The Miss Cherokee Leadership Competition is held in Tahlequah during the final week of August. Contestants are judged on their platform, their usage of the Cherokee language and their interviewing skills. Higher education scholarships will be awarded to the top three contestants. Miss Cherokee will be officially crowned during the State of the Nation ceremony held at Cherokee National Holiday on Sept. 5, 2012, and the new Miss Cherokee’s duties will begin immediately with appearances throughout the remainder of the festival and continuing over the next 12 months.

Miss Cherokee entries must be postmarked by July 27, 2012. For more information including an entry form with a full list of eligibility requirements, please call 918-207-3577.


About Cherokee Nation

The Cherokee Nation is the federally-recognized government of the Cherokee people and has inherent sovereign status recognized by treaty and law. The seat of tribal government is the W.W. Keeler Complex near Tahlequah, Okla., the capital of the Cherokee Nation. With more than 300,000 citizens, over 8,000 employees and a variety of tribal enterprises ranging from aerospace and defense contracts to entertainment venues, Cherokee Nation is one of the largest employers in northeastern Oklahoma and the largest tribal nation in the United States.

To learn more, please visit

Cherokee Nation, PO BOX 948, Tahlequah, OK 74465 United States

Collinsville Coach and Wrestlers Win Central National Duals
Davion Jeffries and Gary Wayne Harding wrestled and Weston Harding coached a group of Okla wrestlers to the team title at the Central National Duals in Kansas City over the weekend. Team Okla won 6 duals during the two day event that featured some of the nation's top state teams. The Okla team was comprised of some of the top wrestlers in Okla. -- Jim Riley 5/21/2012
Can you please repost. We need more sign ups or we will have to cancel. -- Jeanne Rush 5/22/2012
Cville QB Club is doing a fundraiser early this year. We have planned an obstacle course race based off the Warrior Dash example. It is scheduled for Friday June 8th 6-8pm at Paintball Land. $25.00/ person. Two teams will compete on the course at a time & the best time wins.

Tire obstacle while being sprayed with water from fire truck,
5 bridges, belly crawl thru mud, rope wall, up & over pole obstacle,
fence maze, over & unders, hurdles, dodging paintballs.

Teams can sign up or Individuals can sign up & we will place them with a team. We will have sign ups at American Bank Community Room on the following dates.
May 24th
May 29th
June 5th

If you come into the American Bank Community Room to sign up, you can pay by cash, check, or credit card. We will have forms available.

According to Jim Riley the wrestlers are still not funded for their 2012 state championship rings (& t-shirts are still available). -- Ted 5/24/2012
The Cardinal Challenge has been cancelled.
It’s 2 weeks away & only have 1 team signed up. Thank you for your support & help getting the word out. Maybe we will try again some other time.

Jeanne -- 5/25/2012