Collinsville, Oklahoma
December 14-15, 2012
CHS Wrestlers 1st At Kansas City
Photos And Results Submitted By
Emily Underwood

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Copyright 2012 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
CHS Wrestlers First At Kansas City Stampede
From Brent Douglass Facebook Post:
WE WON! Good job by the Collinsville wrestlers and coaching staff and the Trainers also! 10 States and Invitational tourney what a weekend!:) Good job Jake, 4th place finish in the silver brackets as a 10th grader!-- Sunday morning 12/16/2012
Kansas City Stampede -- The CHS wrestling team traveled to Kansas City this past weekend and took first overall as a team as well as many placers. Way to go Cardinals! -- Emily Underwood 12/16/2012
Other info
provided by
Emily Underwood:
Christian Moody
1st at 106
Davion Jeffries
3rd at 113
Will Steltzlen
2nd at 132
Gary Harding
3rd at 138
Jake Barton
6th at 160
Keenan Priddy
3rd at 220
Christian Moody
Davion Jeffries
Will Steltzlen
Gary Wayne Harding
Jake Barton
Keenan Priddy
Neosho (who finished fifth at the Kansas City Tournament) will wrestle in Collinsville Dec. 20th

Thursday at 5pm at the high school, we have a dual with Neosho, MO. Neosho is a top team in the nation and has individual wrestlers ranked in the top 20 in their weight. Last year we won at Neosho on criteria, as the dual ended in a tie. Neosho packed their field house and made the atmosphere very loud and challenging. We need to return the favor this year.

I am working the Facebook angle pretty hard making sure everyone is aware and that we have a good showing. Anything you can do to help pack the house would be appreciated. You already do so much, and the community appreciates it.

Greg Overholt