Collinsville, Oklahoma
October 14, 2011
CHS Homecoming Royalty
Taylor Captain Crowned By Daniel Billups
Cornation At Sallee Field After Main St. Parade

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Newspaper Museum In Collinsville
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2011 CHS Royalty L-R: Freshman: Baylee Stites & Ryan Haymaker, Juniors: Victoria Jackson & Derek Iannapollo, Kids: Tucker Captain & Kamri Delozier, King Daniel Billups & Queen Taylor Captain, Seniors: Kelsey Day & Joseph Crabb, and Sophomores: Taylor Townsend & Zane McElroy.
Homecoming King Daniel Billups prepares to place the crown on Queen Taylor Captain with flower girl Kamri DeLozier and crownbearer Tucker Captain watching.
Royalty in the Homecoming Parade (below)
Seniors: Kelsey Day & Joseph Crabb
Juniors: Victoria Jackson & Derek Iannapollo
Taylor Townsend & Zane McElroy
Baylee Stites & Ryan Haymaker
State Representative Earl Sears with the CHS Homecoming Queen & King.