Collinsville, Oklahoma
May 16, 2011
Miscellaneous News
WWAH Party In The Park May 21st /
Softball Camp Next Week /
Summer Reading Program /
Statewide Seat Belt Warning

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"Click it or Ticket" Kickoff

L-R: OHP LT George Brown, Cpt Chris West, Governor Mary Fallin and LT Garrett Vowell.
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin is well guarded during the "Click it or Ticket" press conference. The meeting was held on the south steps of the state capitol on 5-16-2011. The Click it or Ticket safety campaign is a state-wide initiative to increase safety belt awareness & usage. Local, county and state law enforcement agencies participate in the campaign, which starts May 23rd and runs through June 5th.
-- Submitted by LT George W. Brown #172
OHP Public Affairs (5/16/2011)
Cardinal Softball Camp May 24-25-26

The Cardinal Softball Camp will be held next week on May 24th, 25th, and 26th. If you could please put these dates on your website we would appreciate it very much. I can e-mail a form to those who need one or they can be obtained through any of the school offices.

Thanks so much,
Rhonda Rogers (5/16/2011)

Cardinal Summer Softball Camp
MAY 24TH, 25TH, & 26TH

CAMP STAFF: The High School Coaching staff assisted by the High School Softball Team. Head coach: Mike Henry. Assistants: Rhonda Rogers, Michelle Sparks and Ryan Frame.

COST: The cost to attend the camp will be $45 per camper. Families with more than one camper pay $20 for each extra child. This fee includes instruction, a camp T-shirt, and awards given to outstanding performances on completion of various competitions. *Call for info on entering as a team.

SCHEDULE: Camp will include the 10U, 8U, & 6U’s in the morning sessions while the 15U’s and the 12U’s in the evening sessions.
Camp registration: 8:30am May 24th
10U / 8U / 6U – 9:00am to 11:30am (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
Camp registration: 12:30pm May 24th
15U / 12U – 1:00pm to 3:30pm (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)

GOALS: To cover every aspect of the game of softball (defensively and offensively) and to recognize the importance of playing as a team. The girls will be put through a series of exercises and drills in different areas of the game. Please wear appropriate clothing for practicing.

EQUIPMENT: Softball glove, bat, helmet, and shoes for outdoors and indoors if weather is bad.

ENROLLMENT: Please detach entry form below and turn in at Registration on the day of the camp. Call in T-shirt sizes to one of the coaches listed below to receive them during the camp.
Make checks payable to: Mike Henry

Call In Entry: Coach Henry 693 - 4686
Coach Rogers 629 - 1686

* Late entries may not receive T-shirt on 1st day of camp

Cardinal Summer Softball Camp
MAY 24TH, 25TH, & 26TH

Print Camper’s Name: ________________________ Age: ______ Phone: ______________

Parent’s Name: __________________________________ Wk. Ph. ______________


Circle T-shirt size: S M L XL (Adult Sizes) or S(6-8) M(10-12) L(14-16) (Youth Sizes)

Pay at Registration: $45 per camper / $20 for extra child / Call for Team Discounts

Parents Consent Form:
I hereby authorize the staff of the Cardinal Softball Camp to act for me according to their best judgement in any emergency requiring medical attention, and hereby waive and release said camp from any and all liability for any injuries incurred while in camp.

(Parent or Legal Guardian Signature)_____________________________________________________________