Collinsville, Oklahoma
July 1, 2011
"Backyard" Volleyball Fundraiser
Six On Six Tournament August 6th At Park
For Bryson Chailer

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Ted Wright -- last update 7/1/2011 (VolleyballFundraiser.html)

Copyright 2011 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
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Newspaper Museum In Collinsville
1110 W. Main, Collinsville, OK

Ted Note: I have no control over Google ad content below:

Backyard Volleyball Tournament
CO-ED, 6 on 6, $75 per team entry
Sat. Aug 6th, 8:00 am to ?? Collinsville City Park

To sign up contact Missy DeLozier-697-2618 or Whitney (Whisenhunt) Wilson 855-0108

To raise money for the 2 1/2 year old brother of Channing Chailer-Chisum (former CHS graduate) The following article gives more information on the cause:

The family and friends of Bryson Chailer are uniting to raise money to help with the cost of stem cell treatments. Thanks for your support!

Bryson is 2 1/2 yrs old and was born with Spina Bifida. His family and friends are raising money so he can get stem cell treatments in order to walk. God is healing Bryson and he is already doing things the doctors said he would NEVER do. Stem cell treatment would give him the chance to do even more! One treatment alone is $50,000, but is highly effective. Once the money is raised, the family will travel to Mexico for the stem cell treatment. This little boy is super intelligent and has a very strong will and is so motivated that we know with God guiding the hands of the doctors during these treatments,Bryson can achieve whatever he sets his mind to, and that includes walking! When Bryson was diagnosed with Spina Bifida, we were told his condition was so severe that we needed to abort him because he would have no brain function and would be in a wheelchair all of his life. God told us otherwise and Bryson is a thriving, intelligent, very talkative little ball of fire! The only thing he cannot do is walk, but he wants to so badly! Please give him his chance! Thank you so much, Channing Chailer-Chisum, proud big sister

Bryson Chailer
The fundraiser has been postponed until hopefully September due to lack of teams signing up. -- Whitney Wilson (8/4/2011)