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Board Meeting
August 16, 2011 Fence Nixed / Shade Tabled |
DATE: August 16, 2011
TIME: 4:30 p.m.
PLACE: Commission Chambers, Collinsville City Hall
106 N. 12th Street
and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall
at 11:30 a.m. on Monday August 15, 2011.
Angela McGinnis, City Clerk
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call:
Shafer -- Present
Pam Webb -- Present
Ted Wright -- Present
Fawn Ozug -- (Absent)
Cheryl Hunt -- Present
3. Approval of minutes from June 30, 2011 Regular Meeting. --
Approved, July minutes
expected at next meet along with this Aug. meet..
4. Discussion and possible action to contract with LandPlan Consultants for Trails Grant services. -- Approved, the park board recommends to the commission for final consideration. LandPlan has been the park architect on previous projects and prepared the Oklahoma Recreational Trails grant application resulting in the funds for an 80/20% split ($160,000 grant + $49,523 city match) with Landplan's fees totaling $47,597 included within those amounts. [Note this is grant is only for an 8 foot wide concrete trail in the east side of the park. There is another grant application still pending for several other park improvements including new shelters and parking.-- previous coverage.]
5. Discussion and possible action to put fence around playground equipment and splash pad area. -- The park board voted to recommend leaving the splash pad and play areas "as-is" in regards to a fence. Several options were discussed including an enclosure fence, a fence only on the west parking side, some type of shrubbery (instead of a fence) on the west side, and no action. Although symphatetic to the request for those with toddlers that might wander off, it was generally felt that a fence or other barrier would only be a partial solution and not a substitute for adult supervision. There are also other park improvements planned on the east side of this area in the future. [Mini-Editorial: this was an especially tough decision for me knowing how a young child can slip away in the blink of an eye and also having struck a 4-year old child that ran out from behind a parked car into the street in front of me years ago. While a fence might lessen the chance of those occurances, my fear is that it might also create a false sence of security. The park has always been an open (use at your own risk) park and with the exception of the old pool which had a fence to keep those out that hadn't paid and for after-hours security. -- Ted Wright]
6. Presentation by Vickie Leard, Terra Pad Recreation Solutions (Tulsa) concerning shade structures. -- A slide presentation gave a few options for providing shade over the two new play equipment areas (including the swings). Rough cost estimates were given for basic 4-post structures with removable fabric covers. And with several extra (unrequested) shade areas thrown in, an estimate of $46K + $10K instal + $3.3K shipping was provided. Multi "sail" solutions with more poles and more costs were also briefly discussed. Tara Pad uses Superior in Georgia as their manufacturer and has done shade solutions at Drillers Stauium, Tulsa Zoo, Ft. Worth Zoo, and the Tulsa University Case Center as examples. The base price for a double dome over one play set plus the swings was in the range of $14K. A smaller dome would be more in the $6K base price range.
7. Discussion and possible action to put shade features over playground equipment. -- This item was tabled to allow the board to consider all the new data and options.
8. Discussion, review and possible action for recommendations for Park amenity reservation policy. -- No formal action was taken but the board and city staff discussed adding more written details to expand the current informal reservation policies for park pavalions and the softball field and tennis courts. Reservations are not required for most, subject to first come first served and shared use. There are no reservations allowed for the splash pad or play areas. Currently there is no charge or deposit for reservations but looking ahead to increased use and a potential enclosed community center there were options discussed for deposits, proof of insurance, payment for electricty for softball light, etc. It was suggested that the relative new school facility use policy be studies as that group had just gone through a similar thought process. Anyone needing reservations in the meantime should contact City Hall 918-371-101 ext 2029 Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm.
9. Discussion
and possible action to prioritize potential park improvements. --
No formal vote was taken but the following topics were identified as deserving
the most attention in the near future (with a note that there are several
other improvements not listed here still in limbo waiting for grant approval):
* security camera system to help with vandalism issues
* increased security lighting
* sand volleyball court
* frisbee golf course
* horse
shoe pit
* additional signage
* consideration of allowing park consessions (by non-profit groups)
10. New Business. -- none
11. Adjournment.
Ted Wright comments in purple
Prioritize Projects
Park Reservations Policy
Trails Grant Architect Contract To Landplan
Cheryl Hunt Is New Park Board Member
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If you would like to provide content or advertisements ... call Ted Wright (918) 371-1901 or send email to |
(email questions/comments to Ted Wright -- last update 8/15/2011 (& 8/18) (cityParkBoardAug16.html) Copyright 2011 Collinsville, Oklahoma |
July 12, 2011 |