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Collinsville, Oklahoma

City Commission Minutes
for Mar. 7, 2005
Online Update Mar. 16, 2005
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The minutes of the March 7th meeting follow -- provided by City Clerk Karen Randell-Clark March 16th. The minutes will be subject to approval at the next commission meet.


Chairman Stan Sallee
Vice Chairman Gail Rogers
Trustee Pam Porter
Trustee Melodie Bateman
Trustee Brad Overholt

Chairman Stan Sallee called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the flag Salute.

The Consent Agenda was presented for approval:
1. Minutes of the Collinsville Municipal Authority Regular Meeting of February 21, 2005.
2. Disbursements and Payroll; Administration, $3,804.17; Parks/Swim Pool, $0.00; Electric Operations, $1,769.21; Street, $0.00; Civil Defense, $11.97; Building/Code Enforcement, $121.46; Sanitation/Recycling, $0.00; Buildings, $216.95; Community Planning, $0.00; Non-Dept Misc. $1,173.52; Professional Services, $4,884.60; Insurance, $0.00; Water/Sewer Distribution, $6,184.85; Water/Sewer Treatment, $999.26; Payroll for March #1 $16,496.75; Electric and Water Bonds, $0.00; for a total all funds of $35,662.74.
3. Dedication and acceptance of utility easement from Collinsville Middle School.

Motion was made by Porter and seconded by Bateman to approve the Consent Agenda in its entirety.

Roll Call:
AYE: Porter, Bateman, Rogers, Overholt and Sallee.
NAY: None. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business

1. Consideration and possible action to transfer $5925.00 from CMA budget, Administration accounts, to General Fund budget to be appropriated to Municipal Court accounts.

Karen Randell-Clark stated that since the time the budget was approved by the Commission on June 21, 2004, a reorganization of duties took place within the administrative department. Clark stated that the court clerk position has been made into a full time position; however the general budget only had enough fund for the part time position. Clark is requesting to transfer $5925.00 from the CMA budget to the Gen Fund Budget to pay for the full time court clerk position through the end of this fiscal year.

Trustee Porter question if the monies that was in CMA was the monies that was budgeted for Carol's position and if that is the portion that is requested to be transferred to the General Fund. Clark stated yes.

Motion was made by Overholt and seconded by Sallee to approve the transfer of $5925.00 from CMA to General Fund budget.

Roll Call:
AYE: Overholt, Sallee, Rogers, Porter and Bateman.
NAY: None. Motion carried

Consideration of any new business, which can be considered an emergency, to come before the Authority not known about or which could not have been reasonably anticipated at the time of posting this Agenda.

No new business.

There being no further business the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

=============== City Commission:


Mayor Stan Sallee
Vice Mayor Rogers
Commissioner Pam Porter
Commissioner Bateman
Commissioner Overholt

Mayor Sallee called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

The Consent Agenda was presented for approval:

1. Minutes of the City of Collinsville Regular meeting of February 21, 2005.
2. Disbursements and Payroll; Non-Dept Misc., $0.00; Municipal Court, $197.00; Police, $6,486.88; Animal Control, $332.63; Fire, $11,041.42; Street, $5,720.24; Vehicle Maintenance, $106.47; Sanitation Contract, $0.00; Recycling, $0.00; Park, $633.26; Cemetery, $504.43; EMS, $7,265.40; Capitol Improvements, $0.00; Payroll, for March #1 $26,724.44; Water & Electric Bonds $0.00 for a total all funds of $59,012.17.

Commissioner Porter made a motion to approve consent agenda. Commissioner Overholt seconded the motion.

YES: Porter, Overholt, Rogers and Bateman.
NO: None. Motion carried.


1. City Manager Report.


Under separate cover you have received a copy of the summary of the recent Settlement Conference held with the Oklahoma State Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) relating to operation of Collinsville sanitary sewer system. Essentially the conference discussion concluded that Collinsville did not complete two requirements with specific milestone dates under the current Consent Order; was not able to identify the source of spike loadings causing the plant to violate its discharge permit; did not completely canvas all identified industrial users requesting certain information and experienced excess flows to its plant. An addendum will be issued by DEQ assigning certain additional and potentially expensive requirements such as beginning a flow monitoring, smoke testing and TV inspection of the sewer system as well as hiring a professional civil engineer to evaluate and recommend upgrades to the sewer system (this has been done). A $10,000 stipulated penalty for non-compliance is being held in abeyance pending faithful performance on revised consent order. DEQ may impose a fine as high as $30,000 for failure to comply with the terms of the consent order. Holloway, Updike & Bellen is to work with City on this, and we will smoke test sanitary sewer system. We will work with property owners to rehab sewer lines. We need to establish a sanitary sewer ordinance and have a schedule submitted by April 1.


FOP and IAFF collective bargaining negotiations are currently underway for next contract year.


Budget forms are being prepared and preliminary work is underway.


The planning process necessary to develop an update to the long range comprehensive plan is underway. A citizens committee has been appointed and their first meeting will be held this week.


Proposals from various vendors are being evaluated and recommendations will be submitted to the Commission soon. Kathy Rippetoe with OCI is here tonight to discuss furniture options. We will bring telephone recommendations at next meeting and computer recommendations in April.


The City Attorney has received information from ONG relative to a gross receipts tax and is under review.


Draft of proposed renewal received.

2. Discussion and possible action thereon approving accepting alternate #4 by Helterbrand Builders on City Hall Project.

Jim Graber addressed Commission and explained at the time the bids were accepted for the renovation of City Hall that it was discussed that alternate #4 could possibly be done by city employees. Graber states that a decision needs to be made about finishing the building. Graber recommended that the Commission award alternate #4 to Helterbrand builders. Whitlock indicated to board that this would increase the number of days to complete the project by 45 days. Mayor Salle stated at the time the bids were accepted that they were not sure if there would be enough funds in the budget to accept the alternate and he now has the understanding there will be enough funds to do this part of the project. Graber also indicated that other change orders may be forthcoming as there are issues with the roof on this part of the building and possible leaks. Commissioner Bateman questioned if there were going to be enough funds to purchase the generator. Graber indicated there would be.

Motion made by Commissioner Overholt to accept alternate #4 by Helterbrand Builders on City Hall project. Commissioner Bateman seconded the motion.

YES: Overholt, Bateman, Porter and Rogers.
NO: None. Motion carried.

3. Discussion and possible action thereon a request to purchase City Hall and Fire/EMS furniture from Oklahoma Correctional Institute with a cost not to exceed $90,000.00.

Whitlock introduced Kathy Rippetoe with Oklahoma Correctional Institute. Rippetoe addressed the Commission and gave background information concerning OCI and an overview of products they produce. Rippetoe stated she has been working with project team members for both the City Hall and Fire/EMS stations to discuss furnishings for both buildings. Rippetoe stated that with the exception of colors that all furnishings for both building have been determined. Rippetoe stated that state statue does not require cities to go to bid for products made from OCI. Rippetoe passed out to Commission a detailed cost sheet for each project and indicated that the total cost should not exceed $90,000.00. Mayor questioned if OCI had provided the furnishings for the Police Station. Rippetoe stated they did. The board asked several questions such as who will make the determination for colors, fabric selections available, modular systems, warranties, set up and delivery. Rippetoe addressed each question.

Motion made by Commissioner Rogers to purchase furnishings for the Fire/EMS and City Hall buildings with a cost not to exceed $90,000.00. Commissioner Bateman seconded the motion.

YES: Rogers, Bateman, Porter and Overholt.
NO: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Sallee recommended that agenda item #8 be discussed prior to agenda Item #4 as Ms. Smith was present at the meeting and also so she would not have to wait until end of the agenda. Agenda item #8 was moved up to #4.

4. Discussion and possible action thereon on a request from Collinsville Tri- County Fair to close Main Street for 60th Anniversary Parade and Founders Day activities on Saturday August 20, 2005.

Ms. Carolyn Smith handed out to Commission a synopsis of the Tri-County Fair activities. Ms. Smith summarized the information in the synopsis. Smith indicated that maps would be provided to attendees of the activities. The Commission asked questions such as who would provide carnival services as well as which side streets would be open. Ms. Smith addressed each question.

Motion made by Commissioner Overholt to close Main Street for 60th Anniversary Parade and Founders Day activities on Saturday August 20, 2005. Commissioner Bateman seconded the motion.

YES: Overholt, Bateman, Porter and Rogers.
NO: None. Motion carried.

5. Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance 756 pertaining to annexation of property located approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of 129th East Ave, and 126th St. N.

Wolfram explained to Commission that this was a standard annexation ordinance and referred Commission to supporting documentation and location description included in their packets. Wolfram also indicated that Joseph Watt was in attendance to answer any questions the Commission may have. Wolfram stated this property will go before the Planning Commission for zoning on 3/17/05. Mayor Sallee asked if there were any questions. Porter questioned potential for run off. Sallee stated that drainage was not to be discussed at this time as this was an annexation ordinance. Porter indicated she would like to be kept informed about any further action that may be taken at this location, as she had concerns for the property that would be adjacent to this property.

Commissioner Porter made a motion to approve Ordinance 756 that pertains to the annexation of the property located approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of 129th E Ave, and 126th St. N. Commissioner Overholt seconded the motion.

YES: Porter, Overholt, Rogers and Bateman.
NO: None. Motion carried.

6. Discussion and possible approval of Emergency Clause pertaining to Ordinance 756.

Motion made by Commission Porter to approve emergency clause pertaining to Ordinance 756. Commissioner Overholt seconded the motion.

YES: Porter, Overholt, Rogers and Bateman.
NO: None. Motion carried.

7. PUBLIC HEARING CA-156: Discussion and possible approval of zoning Ordinance 757 on a request to rezone property, generally located at the SW/C of Prairie St. and S. 11th St; RS-3 Single-Family Residential to RD Residential for duplex dwelling uses per Sections 400.1, 410, 430.1 and 1530 Collinsville Zoning Code. The subject property is located in Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 14 east and consists of .36 acres.

City Planner, Bob Wolfram, referred Commission to supporting documentation in their agenda packets. Wolfram indicated the Planning Commission met February 24, 2005. Wolfram stated that this is a lot split from 2003 and variance is adjacent to railroad. Wolfram indicated the plan is to build a one duplex dwelling.
Commissioner Porter asked what kind of driveway the property would have. Wolfram indicated it would be paved. Porter voiced her concerns to assure that driveway would be paved. Wolfram noted her concerns.

Mayor Sallee stated that this was a public hearing and opened floor to public comment. No public comment. Public hearing was closed.

Motion made by Commission Overholt to approve zoning Ordinance 757. Commissioner Porter seconded the motion.

YES: Overholt, Porter, Rogers and Bateman.
NO: None. Motion carried.

8. Discussion and possible approval of Emergency Clause pertaining to Ordinance 757.

Motion made by Commission Overholt to approve emergency clause pertaining to Ordinance 757. Commissioner Bateman seconded the motion.

YES: Overholt, Bateman, Porter and Rogers.
NO: None. Motion carried.


1. Consideration and possible action to go into Executive Session to discuss and possibly take action on the following:

Discussion employment, hiring, appointment, promotion demotion, disciplining or resignation of any individual salaried officer or employee as allowed by O.S. 25, 307 (b) (1).

· Karen Randell-Clark

Commissioner Rogers made a motion to go into executive session. Commissioner Overholt seconded the motion.

YES: Rogers, Overholt, Porter and Bateman.
NO: None. Motion carried.

Board went into executive session at 8:30 pm. Board returned from executive session at 9:05 pm.

2. Possible actions on any matter considered in executive session.

No action taken.


Consideration of any new business, which can be considered an emergency, to come before the City Commission not known about or which could not have been reasonably anticipated at the time of posting this agenda.

No new business. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.'s
City Commission / CMA Meeting Index

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